انجمن لوتی: عکس سکسی جدید، فیلم سکسی جدید، داستان سکسی
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داستانهای ترجمه شده به فارسی


عشق بدون مرز
قسمت چهارم
برگشتم سمت تیم که هنوز همون جا نشسته بود. هنوز گیج بود، و هنوز نتونسته بود این اتفاقو کاملا هضم کنه.
من در حالی که سعی میکردم از فکر بیارمش بیرون گفتم :"خوب..."
"نظر راجع به این اتفاق چیه؟"
اون با ناراحتی گفت: "به نظرم باید بهم میگفتی."
"میدونم، متأسفم!"
"چیز دیگه ای هست که لازم باشه به من بگی؟"
"نه، این تنها چیزی بود که ازت مخفی نگه داشته بودم. من دیگه هیچوقت ازت نمیخوام که اجازه بدی این کارو بکنم."
اون سرشو تکون داد و گفت: "این فقط واسه همین یه بار نبود."
من با سردرگمی پرسیدم: "منظورت چیه؟"
"مشخصه که تو قبل از ازدواجمون با زنای دیگه ای سکس داشتی و از اونجایی که ما ازدواج کردیم و تو نمیتونستی این کارو انجام بدی این افکار تو ذهنت ساخته شده. واقعا فکر میکنی که این افکار چند سال دیگه دوباره برنمیگرده؟"
اون راست میگفت. اگه این خواسته بعد از 9 سال غیرفابا کنترل شده از کجا معلوم که 9 سال دیگه دوباره هکین اتفاق نیفته؟
"به غیر از اون، من دیدم که تو چقدر از سکس با یه زن لذت میبری، من کی باشم که بخوام جلوی تو رو از چیزی که انقدر دوست داری بگیرم."
من درحالی که پاهای لختمو به شلوارش که باد کرده بود میکشیدم گفتم: "نگو که تو هم حال نکردی، این کیر راستت داره لوت میده. ولی تو مطمئنی که مشکلی با این موضوع نداری؟"
"من دوتا شرط دارم: منم همیشه باید باشم و جنده هم نباید بیاری."
من زدم به سینش و گفتم: "انگار منم هر جنده کثیفی رو میارم تو تختمومون!" اون شروع کرد به خندیدن که باعث شد دوباره بزنمش.
"خوب من پر عرقم و باید دوش بگیرم. اگه همین الان دوش نگرفته بودی ازت میخواستم باهام بیای."
اون گفت: " عیبی نداره، حالا که قرار شام کنسل شد من میرم یه چیزی درست کنم که بخوریم که دارم از گشنگی میمیرم." اینو گفت و رفت سمت آشپزخونه. اون کلا لباس زیرایی که خریده بودم یادش رفته بود واسه همین ساک لباس و برداشتم و رفتم سمت دوش.
بعد از بیرون اومدن از دوش، جورابای سیاهو پوشیدم، و دوست داشتم چون تو پام خیلی راحت بود. جورابا به علاوه کفشای سکسی پاشنه بلندم، واقعا پاهامو سکسی کرده بود. تعجبی نداره که مردا دوست دارند زنا پاشنه بلند بپوشند. جورابو رو به کمربندش وصل کردم، دامنمو پوشیدم و موهامو دم اسبی بستم. سوتین لباسامو تکمیل میکرد و باعث میشد پستونام تو مرکز توجه باشند. جلوی آینه وایستادم، خیلی خوب به نظر میومدم.
با خنده به خودم گفتم: "اون منو میکنه."
وقتی که رفتم طبقه پایین و تو آشپزخونه، صدای کفشام کل خونه رو پر کرده بود. تیم وقتی این صدا رو شنید سر جاش خشکش زد، اون با این صدا غریبه نبود. وقتی برگشت چشاش داشت از حدقه میزد بیرون و کل بدنمو برانداز میکرد. اون زیاد لبخند نمیزد، ولی وقتی میزد، میدونستم که کارمو درست انجام دادم.
من با این که جوابشو میدونستم پرسیدم: "چیزی رو که میبینی دوست داری؟"
اون زبونش بند اومده بود
"من هنوز یه تشکر درست وحسابی ازت نکردم بابت صبحانه امروز."
"یا واسه شامت امشب؟"
من خندیدم و گذاشتم شوخی کنه و منم حشریش کنم "آره، واسه اونم باید ازت تشکر کنم."
بدنمو رو بدنش فشار دادم و زبونشو میخوردم و همزمان پاهامو دور کمرش حلقه کردم. اون خیلی شدیدتر و خشن تر از من لب میگرفت. اون دو تا سینه هامو سفت گرفت تو دستاش و فشارشون میداد و گردنمو میخورد. اون میدونست که چجوری حشریم کنه و کسمو دوباره خیس کنه.
من یه لحظه اونو متوقف کردم "هی، قرار بود من از تو تشکر کنم ته برعکسش!"
اون گفت:" متاسفم" ولی قیافش نشون میداد که نیست.
"اشکالی نداره، این دفعه رو میبخشمت" جلوش زانو زدم. قبل لخت کردنش کیر شق شدش رو از رو شلوار یه خورده مالیدم. با یه حرکت سریع شلوارشو تا زانو کشیدم پایین و کیر کاملا راست شدشو آزاد کردم. اون کیر 18 سانتی کلفتش با سرش که ختنه شده بود و موهای قهوه ای تیره اصلاح شده بالاش و تخم های بزرگ و سفتش همیشه خوشگل بود.
یه دستمو گذاشتم رو کیرشو مثل یه آبنبات لیسش میزدم. آب اولیشو از نوک کیرش مکیدم. اون موهامو گرفت و منو مجبور کرد که کل کیرشو تو دهنم جا کنم. بدون اینکه به سرفه بیفتم من میتونستم کیرشو تا آخر تو دهنم جا کنم و همزمان تخماشو لیس بزنم. سرم رو کیر دوست داشتنیش جلو و عقب میرفت، و با یه دستم کیرشو میمالیدم و با اون یکی تخماشو. اونم خودشو یکم جلو و عقب میداد و خودشو با من هماهنگ کرده بود که یه صحنه خیلی سکسی به وجود آورده بود.
"وای! رز! اگه همینجوری ادامه بدی ارضا میشم!"
این خیلی جالب بود، اون تا حالا با ساک زدن ارضا نشده بود، چون میتونست چند بار به مرز ارضا شدن برسه و جلوی خودشو بودن ارضا شدن بگیره. شاید اون از این میترسید که آبشو تو دهنم بریز؟ من که نمیخواستم وایستم.
نمیخواستم دوباره کیرش شکستم بده. جوری با سرعت کیرشو ساک میزدم که فکر میکردم ممکنه گردنم ضربه ببینه. دهنم صدای بلندی هر دفعه تولید میکرد.
"رز...رز...باید..اوه خدای من! من دارم میام!
خیلی زودتر از همیشه، فقط یه حرکت دیگه لازم بود. انگشت وسطمو به سوراخ کونش فشار دادم. اون سعی کرد فرار کنه ولی من محکم با دستم و دهنم کیرشو چسبیده بودم. اون همینجوری ابشو تو دهنم خالی میکرد. این اولین باری بود که من آب یه مردو میخوردم و خیلی دوستش داشتم.
"وااای، این خیلی..."
"خوشمزه بود" من جملشو تموم کردم و قطره های باقیمونده آبشو از سر کیرش میمکیدم.
"تا حالا اینجوری ارضا نشده بودم."
"منم تا حالا آب کسی رو نچشیده بودم پس فکر کنم امشب کلی اولین بار داشتیم."
اون با معذرت خواهی گفت: "سعی کردم بهت هشدار بدم."
من با خودستایی گفتم: "من الان کس یه زن دیگه رو رو مبل خونه ات خوردم بعد تو فکر میکنی از خوردن آب تو میترسم؟"
"حالا که صحبت از اون شد، تو هنوز بابت اینکه اجازه دادم با ونسا سکس کنی ازم تشکر نکردی."
من با طعنه گفتم: "فکر کردم که کردم همین الان."
"اون واسه صبحانه بود، این واسه ونسا."
اون منو برداشت و گوشه اپن آشپزخونه نشوند. پاهامو گذاشت رو شونه هاشو و خم شد و آروم از قوزک پام تا وسط رونام لیس زد. دامن چرممو داد بالا و کس لخت و خیسمو دید و دهنش آب افتاد.
"این چیه؟"
اون گفت:"تو خیلی خوشمزه ای" و بلافاصله زبونشو کرد تو کسم و زبونشو همینجوری تو کسم جلو و عقب میکرد.
"آره...آره! همینجوری ادامه بده!"
همونطور که با زبونش کسمو میگایید با انگشتش با چوچولم بازی میکرد.
من با خوشحالی گفتم:"خدای من من دارم ارضا میشم! تو خیلی بهتر از ونسایی تو این کار!"
پشت سرشو چنگ میزدم سومین ارگاسم امروزم داشت نزدیک میشد. او لباشو رو چوچولم حرکت میداد بعد با شدت میمکیدش، واقعا شدید، و همزمان دو تا انگشتشو تو کسم جلو عقب میکرد.
"اوه خدا! من دارم میاممم!!!"
همزمان با به اوج رسیدن من تمام عضلات بدنم شروع به لرزیدن کرد. پاهام هنوز رو شونه هاش بود و آروم دور سرش حلقشون کرده بودم. اون به خوردن کسم ادامه داد، با اینکه خیلی سخت بود که نفس بکشه. وقتی که ارگاسمم تموم شد سرشو ول کردم.
من با خنده گفتم:" من نمیخواستم خفت کنم."
اون با خنده گفت: "این راه خیلی خوبی واسه مردن میشد. درهر حال ما هنوز کارمون تموم نشده."
یه نگاه شیطون بهش کردم و گفتم : "امیدوار بودم همچین چیزی بگی."
از اپن اومدم پایین و شروع کردم به لب گرفتم ازش و مزه کردن خودم از روی زبونش. اون منو چرخوند و خم کرد و سر کیرشو گذاشت تو دهانه کسم که هنوز خیس خیس بود. کسم کل کیرشو تو خودش جا داد. وقتی که سر کیرش رفت تو کسم اون با یه حرکت بقیه کیرشو تا دسته کرد تو کسم. من نفس نفس میزدم و کیرش کامل کسمو پر کرده بود. اون تو کسم محکم تلمبه میزد و حتی تخم هاشم از خیسی کسم خیس شده بود. من همیشه جوری که اون منو میکنه و کسمو با کیر کلفتش پر میکنه دوست داشتم.
تیم داشت با سرعت کسمو میگایید و تخمهاش میخورد به کونم. اون یکی از پاهامو گرفت و گذاشت رو اپن آشپزخونه، تا قشنگ پاهام از هم باز بشن. باشدت کیرشو به کسم فشار میداد که همین باعث شد چوچولم داغ داغ بشه. من قبلش یبار دیگه ارضا شده بودم و آماده بودم که اونم تو کسم ارضا بشه. با یه صدای عجیب و وحشتناک ناله میکردم و فریاد میزدم، اون برای دومین بار ارضا شد و کسمو با آبش پر کرد.
اون درحالی که نفس نفس میزد گفت: "قابلتونو نداشت."
من که هنوز گیج بودم گفتم: "تو رو نمیدونم ولی من دیگه باید بخوابم."
ما همون جور لخت رفتیم طبقه بالا، البته تقریبا لخت ، من هنوز جورابا رو در نیاورده بودم و فقط واسه اون گذاشته بودم پام باشه. رفتیم رو تخت و اون منو از پشت بغل کرد و کیر نیمه خوابیده اش لای قاچای کونم بود و اونو به پاهای نرمم میمالید و گردنمو میبوسید.
ادامه دارد...

عشق بدون مرز
قسمت پنجم
"دوست دارم رزالین."
"منم دوست دارم تیم. ممنون از این که انقدر شوهر خوبی هستی."
بالاخره من به خواستم رسیده بودم و کاملا خسته بودم و سریع خوابم برد.
وقتی که روز بعد از خواب بیدار شدم دیگه ظهرم گذشته بود. چند ماه بود که اینجوری راحت نخوابیده بودم. بعد از این که صورتمو شستم رفتم تو آشپزخونه و دیدم تیم داره صبحانه میخوره.
"صبح بخیر شاهزاده خانوم، کم کم داشتم فکر میکردم که رفتی تو کما."
"خوب این شاهزاده یه چیزی میخواد که بخوره چی واسش درست کردی؟"
"اوه عالیجناب، من برای شما بهترین نیمروی موجود در قلمرو را آماده کرده ام. تخم مرغ ها از سرزمین دوری به نام والمارت به ما میرسند."
من در حالی که سرمو تکون میدادم گفتم: "چقدر تو بیمزه ای."
اون گفت : "تو که خوشت اومد."
میخواستم برم سراغ تخم مرغا که گوشیم زنگ خورد.
من با نا امیدی گفتم: " اًه! الان برمیگردم، بهترین نیمروی سرزمین باید صبر کنه."
تلفنو برداشتم: "الو؟"
"سلام رزی! چه خبر؟" صدای آشنایی که بدترین اسم مستعارمو از نظر خودم میگفت برای امبر بود.
"خبری نیست امبرلی." همون قدر که من از "رزی" بدم میومد اونم از "امبرلی" بدش میومد. این یکی از کارایی بود که از زمان دبیرستان عادت داشتیم انجام بدیم.
"امروز چه کاره ای؟ اشلی امروز میخواد بره خانوادشو ببینه و من امروز تا شب که میخوام برم سر کار بیکارم. میخوای امروز بیای اینجا؟لطفا؟"
"حتما، منم کار خاصی ندارم امروز. من تازه از خواب بیدار شدم پس یه ساعت بهم وقت بده تا آماده شم."
امبر با هیجان قبل از این که قطع کنه گفت: "عالیه! پس میبینمت."
برگشتم تو آشپزخونه و درحالی که بالاخره به نیمرو رسیده بودم گفتم: "امبر بود، فکر کنم امروز بریم بیرون."
اون با طعنه گفت: "الان میفهمم که چرا انقدر رابطت با امبر خوبه." اون داشت به این موضوع که امبر یه لزبین سرسخته اشاره میکرد. اون از مردا به شدت متنفر بود.
"خفه شو هیچ چیزی بین ما نیست (حداقل دیگه نبود) ما از زمان دبیرستان با هم دوستیم و نه هیچ چیز دیگه."
اون که قانع نشده بود گفت: "اوه، آهان."
در حالی که داشتم میرفتم بالا گفتم: "دیگه وقت ندارم باهات کل کل کنم، باید آماده شم."
امبر همیشه سر موقع میومد. من تازه خشک کردن موهامو تموم کرده بودم که صدای بوق ماشینش از جلوی در خونه اومد. دویدم پایین تا با تیم که پشت کامپیوترش نشسته بود خداحافظی کنم.
گفتم: "خداحافظ عزیزم" و سریع رفتم.
تو همون ماشین قراضه ای که امبر از دبیرستان داشت نشستم. دستگیره بیرون هنوز خراب بود و امبر از تو درو واسم باز کرد.
"خوب کجا بریم رزی؟"
"فکر کردم یه جایی رو در نظر گرفتی."
"خوب به نظرم میتونیم بریم فروشگاه، من میخوام کفش بخرم و بدمم نمیاد که از مغازه لوازم آشپزخونه چند تا ابزار آشپزی بگیرم."
"مشکلی نداره ولی به نظرت این قراضه ما رو تا اونجا میرسونه؟"
اون گفت: " همین قراضه کلی خاطرات خوب تو خودش داره، که بعضیاشو مطمئنم یادت میاد."
من لبخندی زدم و گفتم: "آره یادمه." امبر داشت به این موضوع که جفتمون بکارتمونو تو این ماشین از دست داده بودیم اشاره میکرد. به خاطر اون بود که من انقدر به کس علاقه داشت. من و اون اولین نفر همدیگه بودیم.
اون ماشین خاطرات زیادی رو زنده میکرد، مخصوصا اینکه چجوری تو دبیرستان آشنا شدیم. اون سال آخری بود و من سال دوم. ما تو یه سالن مطالعه بودیم و اتفاقا کنارهم مینشستیم ولی هیچ وقت با هم حرف نزدیم تا اون روز که...
ادامه دارد

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کاش داستانهای گی هم ترجمه کنید


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این داستان که((پایان جهان))نام داره قسمت اولش رو یکی ترجمه کرده بود ولی 8 تا قسمت داره که من اینجا 3 تاش رو میذارم.خواشمندم دوستان مترجم همت کنند و این داستان رو ترجمه کنن هر 8 تا قسمتش رو دارم فقط یکی باید همت کنه و ترجمه کنه!

It has been seven years since the end of the world. Or at least that is how I think of it. I had just had my seventh birthday when it started. Of course at that age I did not pay much attention to news. I was out playing with friends most of the time. My parents told most me of what I know from that period.

It started with China attempting to reclaim Taiwan in June of that year. The USA sent warships to Taiwan to discourage China because we had a treaty to protect Taiwan. China responded by sending nuclear submarines to the sea surrounding Taiwan. We enlisted the support of NATO. North Korea sent their small war fleet down the coast and anchored nearby. Britain sent their fleet in for support. A large portion of the Chinese army approached the coast across the sea from Taiwan. It was like a a little snowball starting down the hill. It started innocently enough but as it reached the bottom it was too big to stop. By the beginning of July Dad said things looked very scary.

At this point my father had our family move to some property we had in the Northern California Mountains. He had always been something of a survivalist and had spent quite a bit of time fixing up the property in case something happened and we would need some place to go to for safety. We had a large rambling ranch house there with five bedrooms. It was high enough in the mountains to be away from everyone yet low enough so that we could grow food if necessary. The house had solar panels and a wind turbine for power. We were way too far from everyone to have power lines or even a telephone. With solar power and satellite cable we were able to watch TV and keep up with everything. The house was well stocked with canned and dry goods plus we had all the tools we would need if we ever had to grow anything. The area was well stocked with wildlife so we would have no problem hunting for game.

When we arrived we settled down pretty quickly. A tree had fallen on one wing of the house damaging two of the bedrooms. It was going to take some time to repair so we had to do some doubling up in the bedrooms. My parents took the master bedroom with my baby sister. My two older sisters, Megan and Shelly, took a second bedroom while my younger sister, Susan and I ended up in a third bedroom.

As I said, I was seven. My younger sister was six, my two older sisters were nine and ten and baby Teri was just four. Our parents were not much older than us. Mom was just 26 and Dad was 28. Mom got pregnant while in high school and dropped out at 16. As soon as she had Megan she began going to night classes to finish high school. She did very well and then went on to become a nurse. My dad was always something of a geek and became a pretty successful computer security consultant. Even though he was fairly young he did very well and could take good care of our large family.

When we usually went to the ranch as soon as we got there we would run all over the place to see if what had changed. There was a stream that ran through the property with some good slow deep pools. If it were summer we would strip and go swimming. This time we just went to the living room and turned on the TV to watch the news.

Then it happened. Even I was paying attention to the news by that point. One of our destroyers had a collision with one of China's nuclear subs. The sub's 16 hydrogen missiles were accidentally, so they said, launched against their targets in the USA. We responded within minutes, while the missiles were still in the air, with a retaliatory strike with 16 of our own missiles against China. We later found out that frantic calls were going back and forth between all the major heads of state around the world to try and prevent this from escalating. While they were successful in preventing any further launches it eventually did not matter. One of our missiles targeted for Shanghai missed and landed one hundred or so miles away. When tens of thousands of people began dying in the next week or so news slowly leaked out that the missile strike had damaged a weapons bio-lab and a virus was released.

By the end of July almost no news reports were coming out of China. Their radio and TV stations were just dead air. Then people began dying in the neighboring countries. Europe and the Americas closed their borders. All airlines were grounded in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus. It did not help. By the second week of August Europe was being decimated and we saw the first deaths begin in the USA. As we switched channels around on our cable we would see stations we used to watch leave the air and go dark. Sometimes we would find a channel where we would just see an empty set. It was as though the station was left on and everyone went away.

It took only two weeks for the virus to spread across the entire USA. By the end of August we could not find any stations, TV or radio, still broadcasting. It looked like we were the only ones left in the world. How we escaped harm I don't know. I guess it was our remote location. The road to our property was a dead-end at our place. There was no reason for anyone to even come out there and we had not seen anyone since the first week we arrived. One family from town that we knew came out to welcome us but my mom and dad, while very friendly with them, did not encourage them to repeat the visit.

There is a small town of a few thousand people, or there were a few thousand people, about 25 miles from us. My dad would drive over every couple of months on an ATV and watch the town from a ridge. Each time he would report no movement, just dead bodies in the streets. He would stay a couple of days watching the houses and roads for movement but saw nothing. From another ridge he could see into the central California valley where I-5, the main north/south freeway passed. Not a single car traveled on it.

It was on one of these trips, about a year after we arrived, that dad had his accident. When he did not return after a week I followed his route and found him. From the tracks it looked like a bear surprised him, or he surprised it, on the dirt road while returning and his ATV went off the road into a ravine. I had to bury him there. The ATV was destroyed and I had no way to get his body home.

As I said it has been seven years. I'm now 14. My sisters are 11, 13, 16 and 19. We have all grown up a lot. We have had to work awfully hard these seven years. It has been easy to get game to last us through the winter; I had gotten pretty good with my bow. But it takes a lot of work to put aside enough fruit and veggies. We tend to get up early and work in the fields, take it easy during the heat of the afternoon and then put in a few more hours in the late afternoon before calling it a day.

It had been a long day and I was tired. My sisters were laying around in the family room watching an old movie on the VCR after dinner while I sat on the sofa reading a book. We did not have much left in the way of clothes because we have all grown up so much nothing fit us any more. Mom was the only one who usually was fairly dressed. When she joined us swimming even she would strip down.

For some reason I was really beginning to enjoy watching my sisters naked. If my mother had explained sex to us I would have understood what was going on but she was alone now and probably did not really think it was that important since we were all family. Now I wasn't stupid. We had animals, and we all saw them mating on occasion, but seeing two animals going at it and then relating that to my sisters was just too big of a leap at my age.

The problem for me was I would watch them running around naked and end up with an erection. This had happened last summer when we were all skinny-dipping. I started watching my sisters while they were lying in the sun, their breasts sticking up in the air. They would spread their legs so their inner thighs would also get tanned. Megan saw my cock sticking up in the air and pointed it out to the other girls. "Hey, look at Danny. He has a boner". They all began teasing me. I have been careful to avoid letting that happen again. I am over 6 ft, and the tallest of them is only 5' 8" but they still treat me like a little brother and can tease me a lot.

As I read I would occasionally look at them over my book. Megan and Shelly physically looked almost identical to mom now. They were very slender and had nice full breasts with nipples that stuck. Susan looked pretty much the same but with smaller breasts and she had just a little bit of hair between her legs. As I watched them I could feel myself stirring. I had better get to bed before it was too late. All I needed was for my cock to start waving around like a weathervane.

I nonchalantly held the open book in front of me while I got up and left the room for my bedroom. Susan would be busy for another hour watching the movie so I would have some time to get rid of this erection. I couple of years ago I had discovered how much fun it was rubbing my cock when it got hard. It had been quite a surprise when that white stuff shot out of it. Later in my reading I found out it was sperm but the book did not really tell me much other than putting a name to it. I knew there was a connection between getting hard and seeing my naked sisters but I was pretty ignorant about connecting any further dots.

I lay down on the bed, closed my eyes and thought of my sisters laying naked out in the living room. Now I was rock hard. I grabbed my cock and slowly began pumping my hand up and down.

"Danny. What are you doing?" I was so focused I had not heard Susan open the door. How long had she been standing there? I quickly let go of my cock and pulled the covers up to my waist. "Nothing".

Susan was not going be put off so easily, "No. Really, what were you doing?"

There was no point in hiding it now. We had always shared everything. If I did not tell her she would just keep after me making my life a living hell until I gave in. "I was just making myself feel good."

"What do you mean?"

"Sometimes I get hard...."

"Yes I know. I've seen you".

"Come on. If you want me to tell you don't interrupt".

"Ok. Go ahead".

"Well, sometimes I get hard and if I don't do something it hurts real bad".

"What do you mean, do something, and what hurts? Why does it hurt?"

"You're asking too many questions. My balls hurt and I don't know why".

"Well what do you do to make it stop?"

"If I rub it with my hand for a while it feels really good and then some white stuff shoots out the end and then it won't hurt".

"Really? You mean you pee?"

"No. It's something different".

"Can I see it? She had moved closer and was now sitting on my bed trying to lift up the covers.

"I don't think so". Now I was embarrassed. We had seen each other naked for years. We even slept together naked for the warmth many times during the winter. Our room was at the far end of the house and it could get very cold.

"Oh, Please?

It was hard to say no to her when she put that little pout on her face.

"Oh, all right, but just for a little bit. This is just between you and me. Ok? You know how Megan and Shelly tease me".

"Sure. Now let's see". She then pulled down the covers. When Susan first surprised me I had quickly wilted but while we had been talking I had gotten hard again. I lay back down on my bed while she got up and sat down by my hips. I wrapped my hand around the middle of my cock and slowly started pumping up and down.

"Wow. I don't think I have ever seen you this big before". I was having trouble thinking of anything to say. I was watching her head get closer to my cock. She reached out and put her fingers around the head of my cock. Oh. That felt so good. "Let me do it". Her fingers slowly moved down my cock replacing mine. She grabbed me tightly and moved her hand up and down my cock squeezing as she did so.

"Hey, I'm not a cow. You don't have to milk me".

With a laugh she replied, "I don't know about that. You said white stuff comes out". But she did change her stroke and continued the up and down movement without the extra milking squeeze. "It feels so hard but your skin is so soft".

I could not talk. I could feel it building up in me. "You have to stop or it is going to start squirting! '.

"I want to see it". She started moving her hand faster. My hips started lifting up off the bed. "Come on Danny. Do it!" Finally I could not take it any more and the white stuff started squirting a couple of feet up in the air. "Cool! That is neat. That has to be sperm. That is what mom said comes out of the bull's penis when he is mounting the cows".

My heart finally was slowing down from its' pounding. "I was going to ask mom about it one time but couldn't. It feels so good and if it is something bad she would make me stop".

"Well I won't tell. Can we do this again sometime? I did it right didn't I?"

"Yes. You did it very well".

Then mom's voice from out in the hall caught our attention. "Hey you kids. It's time to go to bed. Turn the lights out. We have a busy day tomorrow".

Susan jumped up off my bed. "Ok mom". She turned out the lights and then came back to my bed. She scooted up with her back to me. I tentatively put my arm across her hips with my hand on her stomach. She took my hand and slid it up to her breasts. I could feel a nipple getting bigger under my fingers. Her breast felt nice. She had never done this before. She was not near as big as mom, or Megan and Shelly, but it was big enough for me.

"Next time I'll show you what makes me feel good". As I drifted off to sleep my last thoughts were, "What did she mean by that? She did not have a cock".

The next couple of days we did not have a chance for a repeat performance. We were in the middle of winter and it looked like a snowstorm was headed our way. We had to get out and get our cattle and other livestock taken care of. We also needed to move enough wood in to last a few weeks if it ended up being a serious storm. You never knew how long a storm might last. We were dead tired each night and just went to straight to sleep.

One night, a few days after the storm passed, I had gone to bed early. I was busy entertaining myself when Susan came in. She was really tired and did not notice what I was doing. She just got in my bed, backed up against me and went to sleep.

In her sleep she kind of snuggled her butt up against me. I still had a hard-on and the head of my cock was very wet and slippery. Her moving her butt around did not help my condition. I moved my hips forward against her and my cock slid between her thighs. It felt so hot there. I slowly moved my hips back and forth rubbing my cock against the inside of her thighs. The feeling was so intense. This was so much better than my hand. I felt I would explode any second. I had to slow down. I wanted this feeling to last a while. I rolled a bit off my side so I was partially on my back and slowly pulled one of Susan's legs over mine so it bent at the knee. Her legs were spread fairly wide now. I reached over and found my cock between her legs and started rubbing it back and forth against her crotch.

I was really enjoying the feeling when I felt Susan stir. In a sleepy voice she asked, "What are you doing"? I froze. Now what do I do. She's going to get mad at me.

"Don't stop. That feels good".

With her encouragement I once again began rubbing the head of my cock around. Then suddenly something weird happened. I pushed the head a little harder against her and instead of just the pressure of being pushed against her I felt her skin give and the head of my cock suddenly disappeared inside of her.

Now I know what you are thinking. I have been living with naked girls for several years now. I should have known what was going on. But I'm a guy. I was clueless.

When I entered Susan she let out a gasp. I thought I had hurt her and I quickly pulled out.

"No. Put it back". She pleaded. "That feels really good. Put it back in".

I pushed with my fingers again and the head slipped back into her. It felt so hot and tight. It made me thrust my hips forward and I sank deeper into her. I felt her move back against me and heard her moan. I moved my hands around her and cupped each of her breasts. I gave them a gentle squeeze and then began rubbing my palms in circles on her nipples. She moaned louder and arched her back. This resulted in her butt jamming harder into me. Now my cock was buried up to the hilt in her. It only took a few more thrusts before I was squirting over and over inside of her. I stopped moving against her. Susan turned her head and asked, "Why are you stopping"?

"My cock squirted and it is getting soft now" I explained.

Susan reached between her legs, took my now limp cock in her hand and started rubbing it against her. It was just a minute or so before I noticed I was getting hard again. She then got a good grip on me and continued rubbing herself between her legs with my cock as the tool while I took the opportunity to really get to know her breasts. I noticed that sometimes when I gently squeezed both of her nipples at the same time she would arch her back strongly against me and moan rather loudly. I had to caution her a couple of times to be quiet or mom might hear and come in.

After several minutes of this, Susan was really jerking back against me and rubbing my now rock hard cock against her in a very fast side-to-side motion. Suddenly she tensed, arched her back against me and cried out, "Danny, unhhhhh". She was holding my cock tightly in her fist and jerked it around a couple of times. It took me a second to realize she was trying to stick it back into her. I obliged by reaching down, moving her hand and then aligning myself and easily sliding back into her right up to the hilt. I could feel her pussy grabbing me like her hand had before. It sent this electric current up me. I started thrusting my hips against her and knew I was just a few strokes away before I was going to squirt in her again. She must have realized it also. She reached down, grabbed me and pulled me out. 'No, put me back in".

She just shook her head and began pumping my cock with her hand. Saying, "I want to watch it come out" she leaned forward so she had a good view. It took just a few more jerks of her hand and I was cumming again. Stream after stream of sperm shot out of me up onto her chest and stomach. A few drops landed on my hand where I still had it on one of her breasts. Susan gave a little laugh, "That is so cool".

Once our breathing had returned to normal Susan lifted her leg off of mine and put it on top of her other leg still spooned against me. My cock was pinned between her thighs but I was in no mood to complain. After some gentle caressing we both drifted off to sleep.

The next morning we were still in the same position when I woke up. I felt Susan begin to stir and gradually pulled my cock back from between her thighs. When she was finally awake she turned around to face me. She was lying in bed a bit above me so I leaned forward and put my head on her shoulder. Even with what we had done the night before I had not touched her very much. I reached out with my hand and put it on her stomach. I slowly began moving it around her stomach and then up to her ribcage below her breasts. After making several passes back and forth I moved higher to the underside of her breasts. Susan sucked in her breath as I moved from the bottom of her breast to her nipples. She leaned in towards me pushing her left breast into my face. I moved my head slightly so I could take her nipple into my mouth and began sucking on it gently and running my tongue around it. After a little bit I put my hands under her shoulders and pulled her over onto me so I could reach both breasts with my mouth. She moved her legs around so she was sitting on me with my cock flat against my stomach and her sitting on top of it.

I continued running my tongue around her nipples just moving from one breast to the other. Susan shivered. "Yes, more". After several more passes Susan finally spoke again. "Danny. That feels so good. Maybe you would like the same treatment". What did she that mean? My nipples were not very sensitive. Susan then slid off of me to one side and crouched down, facing towards my feet, by my waist. Since I could no longer reach her breasts with my mouth I moved one hand to each breast and slowly caressed them, lightly running my palms over her nipples. Then suddenly the most incredible feeling came over my cock. It was as though I had stuck it in an oven. It was hot. There was this swirling sensation going all around the head. I looked down and saw Susan's mouth engulfing my cock. My hips moved up to her. This was just incredible. I knew I could only last a few more seconds of this.

"What are you two doing? Susan Marie, Daniel Aaron, stop that this instant!" We were so preoccupied we had not heard mom call us or come in the room. She stood there while Susan jumped up and ran out of the room. Mom turned to me and gave me that LOOK as I got up. We knew we were in trouble. Mom used our middle names.

I was having a difficult time because my cock was sticking out and waving around as I moved. "What did we do wrong? You never told us that this was something we should not do".

Mom just stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips and said "Go take a shower and get breakfast. You have a lot of work to do today. I'll talk to you tonight".

When we got down to breakfast, Megan, Shelly and Terri looked at us like "What did you guys do? Why is mom so mad?" We just kept quite and ate our breakfast. After breakfast I went outside and worked my way down to the barn. Last summer I had felled several trees to work on to repair the damaged portion of our home. For the first couple of hours I was distracted thinking about what mom wanted to talk about tonight. Why was she so upset? We were just doing something that felt good. After those first couple of hours I just forgot myself working. I was able to finish up several logs that we would use in the spring to rebuild the wall damaged by the tree.

As the sun began to set mom called out that it was dinnertime. All through dinner it was very quite. No one really talked other than pass me this and that. After dinner we all went in the family room to read and play some board games. It remained pretty quite. Once it got to our normal bedtime mom got up and said she had some changes to make. "Terri is getting older and she is going to move into Susan's bedroom. We do not have a regular bedroom for Danny until we finish the repairs. It is too cold for him to sleep out here on the sofa so he will share my bedroom until the west bedrooms are finished".

Well that is going to be the end of our fun. Mom must really not like what we did. We all drifted off to our bedrooms. I followed mom. I looked around her bedroom. She had the biggest bedroom and bed because she used to share it with dad. I did not know what to expect so I took the blanket and pillow I had brought from my old bedroom and started to make a place on the floor. Mom said, "What are you doing? You can have the left side of the bed. It is big enough for the both of us".

I got back up and slid into the left side of the bed. Mom moved around the room, closing the door, putting things away. Taking off the few clothes she wore. I lay there watching her, sneaking peeks. I had not really thought of mom physically before but my experiences with Susan had me thinking differently now. Mom's breasts were much larger than Susan's and her nipples stuck out more. Her legs were long and I kept being drawn to that space between her thighs. I had always wondered about the differences between my sister's bodies and mine. My recent experience with Susan had given me a good idea of what to do with those differences. And now watching mom I was reliving last night with Susan remembering the feeling of sliding in and out of her. Then I remembered what she had been doing when mom came in. Where did she learn about that? I have to stop thinking like this! I'm getting an erection. No, not getting, have an erection. I have to think about something else. Think about milking cows, feeding chickens. I turned on my side, pointing my cock away from her so she would not see it and get me in deeper trouble.

Mom turned off the light and got in bed. It was winter now so it was really dark at night. I could not see anything when the light was turned off. That made it easier to talk about this when I could not see her face. "Mom, what did we do wrong? We were just doing something that felt good".

I felt her turn on her side towards me, "Yes dear, I know. It does feel good but it is something you do not do with your sister".

"Why not"?

"Well it is just the way things are. It is the way we were brought up. I really don't want to talk more about it right now".

"Ok. Goodnight".

"Goodnight son".

We went on like this for a few weeks before the dreams started. Get up. Get breakfast. Go out and work. Come in and have dinner. Go to bed. All the while mom kept a watchful eye on Susan and me. Mom did not have us work on projects together.

Then one night I had the dream. Susan and I were in bed. We were lying next to each other and she was holding on to my cock and rubbing it up and down. She then pulled me by the cock over on top of her. I could feel her breasts under my chest, her nipples poking into me. Her legs slowly spread and I settled between them, my cock pushing up towards her. Then...I woke up. I had a huge hard-on and the hand holding it was mine. I needed some relief but did not want to wake mom. I turned over and did my best to think of other things until it went away and I went back to sleep.

A couple of nights later I had the same dream. I would get up to the point of lying on top of her then wake up with a hard-on. A couple of times the dream would have her taking me in her mouth. It was such an intense dream that a couple of times when I woke up I would find my stomach wet from cuming on myself. Mom was always asleep so at least I had not woken her up and got caught.

One night about two months after I moved into mom's bedroom I woke up from the dream but something was different. Mom was moving around a bit. Her legs would spread wide then close. Then she would lift her knees up and spread them. At first I thought I had woken her up but then I realized she was having a dream herself. I could hear her say a few words every now and then. Most of the time it was just moaning and I thought maybe it was a bad dream and she was in pain. Then I heard her say "Yes" several times and "David". Then I finally caught on. She was having a dream about dad. I could see the covers moving around her waist and guessed she was touching herself in the dream. I stayed very still and after a few minutes she sighed and the movement stopped. I turned over and tried to go to sleep. It took a while as I now saw my mom in a completely different light.

Spring approached and my dreams were getting more frequent and intense. It was very frustrating. The dreams were so repetitive I could almost just lie there and know exactly what would happen next. Right up to the time I would move on top of Susan and then wake up. Then one night the dream changed. I moved on top of her and she still held my cock. She slowly moved it in a circle around her opening. It felt so wet and warm there. I was not waking up. Finally the dream would have a conclusion. I could feel her arch her back as she rubbed my cock against her in one spot. She began rubbing the spot again and again. The feeling was so intense. I propped myself up on my arms and dropped my head down and began kissing her breasts. As I reached her nipple I felt it grow between my lips. I passed my tongue back and forth over her nipple. Then she pulled my cock harder toward her. I began to thrust my hips forward. Her hand slid down to the base of my cock and I felt myself slide inside her. It was unbelievable. Susan felt so good. She moved her hand out and wrapped her arms around me pulling me tight. I pushed the rest of my cock into her, grinding my pelvis against hers. "Yes David. Harder". With that I thrust harder feeling myself go in even deeper. Her knees rose up outside my hips and I slid another inch deeper. "Yes David. Again! I moved back until I thought I was going to fall out of her then slowly pushed back into her. Over and over I again I would move back, then back in. She then began squeezing my cock with her muscles. It became a steady rhythm. Every time she squeezed me I would thrust into her. "Yes David. Yes! Fuck me. Faster. Fuck me!".

Why was she calling me David? That was my dad's name. Her heels began pushing into my butt making me thrust harder into her. "Danny!" It was so intense now. I knew this is where I should have been squirting all that time. "Danny. STOP". My cock would get squeezed and I would thrust. "Danny. STOP! It's your mother".


"Danny, you are on top of me. You need to stop and get off".
This isn't Susan? It's Mom? What's happening? Oh, yes that feels so good. Every time she squeezes me it makes me move deeper into her. "I can't stop when you are squeezing me like that".

"I can't stop squeezing when you keep fucking my pussy. You need to stop before you cum".

"I can't help it mom. Every time you squeeze me it makes me push harder".

"Well you have to try".

I had not really noticed but I had one hand on her breast and was gently massaging it. I had just taken her nipple between two of my fingers and was rolling in back and forth when she said, "Honey, you have to stop doing that". Then she arched her back and a loud moan came from her. She grabbed my butt and dug her nails in, pulling me deeper into her. "Oh, ho.... Oh, honey you need to....". Her body spasmed several times and she squeezed me really hard. She then gradually relaxed and lay flatter on the bed. She put her mouth close to my ear and said "Ok, honey. You can go ahead and finish". With that she grabbed my butt and began pulling me with each thrust into her. I was so close at that point that it only took a few more thrusts before I was cumming inside her. Squirt after squirt until it seemed like it would never stop.

As we lie there, breathing hard, she finally looked at me and said, "We should not have done that.

"But mom, you started it".


"You pulled me on top of you".

"I'm sorry Danny. I was dreaming of your father and got carried away".

"That's ok" I said. "It was really nice".

Mom looked up at me and said "Yes. It was. But we should not be doing that with each other. Mothers don't let their sons fuck them".

"Well you didn't really let me. You were dreaming when it started". Mom sighed and said "Yes, but we should not do that again. You had better get off me now".
I rolled off mom and moved over to my side. I could not get the feelings out of my mind. I kept replaying it over and over. My cock sliding in and out of her, how hot and wet, tight and smooth it felt inside of her. The sensation of caressing her breasts and squirting my sperm into her. I want to do this again. I want to do this over and over again. At some point I finally fell asleep.

When I awoke it was just barely light outside. Mom was lying against me with an arm across my chest. She was still asleep. I looked down and I could see one breast lying on my chest. I moved my hand up and gently rubbed her nipple. She stirred a bit so I stopped, but not before her nipple got hard. I noticed I was in the same condition. I reached over, lifted mom's hand off my chest and moved it down and laid it on my cock. Her fingers instinctively wrapped around it. Then I waited for her to wake up.

After several minutes she did not stir. I'm going to have to speed this up. I reached up again and began gently rubbing her nipple again. After about 30 seconds I she stirred again and I felt her push her crotch against my thigh and give my cock a squeeze. With that encouragement I squeezed her breast. I turned to her ear and whispered, "That feels really good mom. Don't stop".

Mom was not quite awake and just gave me a "unhhhhh", but she did not move her hand and continued squeezing my cock.

I reached around to grab her around the waist and pulled her over on top of me. As she came up she released my cock. I reached down and pulled her knees up so her legs bent on either side of my thighs. With sleep still in her voice she asked, "What are you doing"?

I needed to act quickly now. Her pussy was wet and I entered her easily. It must be the sperm left over from last night. With a good stroke I was completely buried inside of her. It felt just as good as last night.

"Danny, what are you doing? We should not do this again"?

That did it. I started pumping into her faster. She said "We should not", not "can't". She likes this. She wants it. She just doesn't want me to know.

Mom began meeting my thrusts into her with her own back against me. Every minute or so I could her say "yes" very softly. I reached down and grabbed her butt and pulled her against me as I continued ramming into her. We kept this up with no variation for what had to have been twenty minutes. Finally she began moaning, "Oh, Danny. Just a little slower".

I slowed down and gave her steady long strokes. She lifted herself up into a sitting position on me and pushed hard back against me in sharp hard thrusts. She then arched her back and cried out. Her pussy seemed to pulsate around my cock and that did me in.
I could not hold it back any longer. "Mom, I'm cumming". I knew I was buried up to the hilt in her but I pushed up trying to get in another six inches and shot sperm into her until I was dry.

Mom laid back down on me and wrapped her hands on my shoulder. Once our breathing had returned to normal some of my blood returned to my head and I could think again. "Mom, thanks for waking me up that way. That felt so good".

"I'm not sure what I did but you are welcome". She paused a minute and added, "I guess we aren't going to stop right now".

"You know best, mom". Mom gave out a little laugh. "What's so funny", I asked.

"Before you were born there was a TV show called 'Father knows best'. I don't think this episode would have gotten past the censors".

I had no idea what she was talking about. Over the next few weeks our routine continued like this. Almost every night we would make love. We wanted to be careful and not let the girls know what was going on so we had to skip mornings when we did not wake up early enough. But I was an early riser.

End chapter 1.
When I woke up, even before I opened my eyes, I could smell the coffee from downstairs. That's nice. The kids are making breakfast. Then I smelled the cooking ham and my stomach bolted. I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I made it just in time to lift the lid and then dumped the contents of my stomach. After another minute I was left with the dry heaves. Finally, when I seemed finished, I rose and flushed the toilet. I cleaned myself up and got into the shower. I wonder what it was that I ate last night that has gone bad. I'll need to take a look and warn the kids.

I was sitting in front of the mirror brushing my hair when my brain finally turned on. You don't have food poisoning, you idiot, you're pregnant! Shit! I've been so careful and it happened anyway. Now what do I do. Do I keep it? Can I even find the right drugs here if I want to abort. If I keep it, how do I explain this to the kids? What do I say to Danny? We have been having sex almost every day for three weeks. How could I be so stupid? I'm not some silly teenager that thinks it can't happen to her. I've had five kids.

When I got downstairs the kids were all gathered around the kitchen table talking. They had finished breakfast earlier but had saved some for me. Susan started dishing out some scrambled eggs and ham. "No Honey. I'm not really hungry right now. I'll just have some coffee if you don't mind. Maybe I'll have some food later". Susan got me some coffee and then returned to their conversation. I just sat there, sipping my coffee, staring off into space thinking.

The kids must have been trying to get my attention for a while. When I finally noticed their calling me they were all staring at me expectantly. "Mom, anybody home? We have been calling you for a while now. You seem to be a million miles away".

"I'm sorry kids. I'm just thinking of all things we have to do this summer before winter comes around again. We need to finish the repairs to the house and the new fences. We need to plant more fruit and vegetables for canning. I guess my mind was off making all those plans". They seemed fine with my explanation. "What did you want"?

Danny spoke up, "Susan and I have not worked together in a while. We thought it would be nice if we could work on the roof repair together. You want those bedrooms fixed soon and Susan is the best carpenter of the girls".

When he finished I could see from the expression on his face he really did not expect me to allow the two of them to be alone together. Susan must have egged him into asking. Of course, with what Danny and I have been doing the last few months, it seems a bit hypocritical of me to say no, especially now with his baby in me. "I guess it would be okay". They both smiled at each other. After a bit more joshing around everyone got up and started cleaning up the remains of breakfast.

I went to the closet and got a sweater and started putting it on. "Hey, kids. I've got some things I need to think about. I'm going out to Daddy's spot for a while. Give me some alone time while I'm out there".

Without waiting for any acknowledgement I opened the door and went outside. About 200 yards out from the house there was a small rise with several shade trees at the top. While we did not have my husband's body, we still made a stone and marked a spot for him. I would sometimes come out and talk to him when I got depressed and was missing him. And I certainly needed to talk this out.

This would be our family plot, as we grew older. Then what I just thought hit me, "As we grew older". There are only six of us now, maybe seven. When we are gone, that's it. What happens to my kids when I'm gone? What happens to the world when we're gone? We have not seen any sign of anyone in years now. We monitor the radio at least twice a week for a couple of hours and it was still silent. What happens if we get sick? We are bound to have the occasional accident. We have virtually no medicine and no doctors. Sure, I'm a nurse, and I know a lot, but I have huge limitations. Our numbers will gradually be reduced. I need to start teaching someone for when I am gone.

As I looked down at his marker I found it difficult to picture his face. Danny looked so much like his dad that I saw his face instead. "Honey, I'm sorry. I was weak. I've missed you and our sex together. It has been so many years and I just gave in". I sat down in front of the marker where his body would have been if we had been able to recover it. "I'm going to keep the baby. It will be part of our family".

For the next couple of hours I sat there thinking. It was still pretty chilly so I finally moved out so the sun could warm me. It took a couple more hours of thinking before I finally accepted what must happen and began my planning. It was lunch time when I finally returned to the house. Susan and Danny were in the kitchen making lunch for everyone. I pulled Danny aside to the living room. "Son, I know it is still a bit early in the spring but I want you to take a quick hunting trip around to the other side of the mountain". I knew this would take him about three days at the minimum, one to get there, one to find something and then another to return.

"Mom, you are right, it's pretty early. It will be hard to find anything, plus there won't be as much meat on whatever I get as if we wait a couple of months".

"I know. But I was looking at what we have and I would feel more comfortable if we could add a bit to it now".

He nodded his head, "Ok. When do you want me to go"?

"I think tomorrow morning". I wanted him to be away from the house as soon as possible so I could have a meeting with the girls. Things had to be decided before Danny could be included.

That night I helped Danny get everything ready. He checked his bow, got a couple of extra strings, made sure his quiver was full and then filled his backpack with some extra clothes and food. We had several guns in the house but my husband had always used the bow and now his son did the same. The guns were just there as an insurance policy in case they were necessary. Originally we thought they might be needed for safety.

When I went upstairs he was already in bed. I was feeling pretty guilty sending him off on an unnecessary trip, but I needed the time with the girls without him around. I quickly undressed and got into bed. As I slipped into bed beside him I got an idea that would ease my guilty conscience. It was also made easier by the decision I had come to earlier today.

"I know you don't want to go on this hunt right now but perhaps this would help". I pulled the covers down off him exposing his nude body. Then I slid down sideways in the bed facing his chest. I reached down with one hand, put in on his knee, and then slowly began softly moving it up to the crease at the top of his thigh and then back down again with a caressing touch. I moved up so my head was above his chest, I leaned down and kissed his chest and then moved over to the nipple closest to me and ran my tongue around it before sucking it into my mouth and flicking it with my tongue.

I could tell I was having the right effect on him as he began squirming around in bed. "Mom, do you want to get on top of me"?

"No, I have something else in mind". I began moving down his chest kissing him lightly. When I reached his belly button I first ran my tongue around it and then vigorously thrust my tongue into it. He obviously liked it. His hips bucked up and something hard and wet bumped into my ear. I moved the hand that was caressing his thigh over and, with a thumb and forefinger, encircled the base of his cock and squeezed. He definitely likes this. I cupped his balls with my palm and fingers and his hips lifted off the bed and the head of his cock popped right up into my face. I turned around to look at him and he had his eyes closed. Well this should open them. I slid down a few inches so my head was poised right in front of the head of his cock. Even in the semi dark I could tell the head was glistening with lubricant. His hips were now moving up and down with my hand firmly gripped around him. I opened my mouth. The next time his hips lifted his cock up to me I just leaned forward and took him into my mouth just past the head of his cock.

A long groan escaped him. "Oh, mom. What are you doing"?

I did not say anything, just began moving my tongue around the head of his cock. I had rarely had oral sex with my husband. He was not a big proponent and I would rather have him in me. But I was really getting off on the reaction my son was having. His hips were really bouncing up and down now. He had put his hands on the back of my head and was pushing my head down his cock. I pulled back and turned to him. "Now I want you to try and not move too much. Just lay back and enjoy the sensations. And keep in mind that my mouth is not like my pussy. You can't just stuff your cock all the way in it".

"I'm sorry mom. It just feels so good. If you keep doing that I'm going to cum any minute now".

"That's okay. This is just for you. Cum anytime you feel like it". With that I moved my hand away from the base of his cock so it was just my mouth and tongue that he could feel. I wanted him to concentrate just on the head of his cock.

His hips began thrusting up again. I knew he was getting close. "Mom, I'm going to cum. You need to move your head". His voice sounded a bit frantic. How sweet, he was concerned I might not want him to cum in my mouth. I did not say a word. I just kept my head bobbing up and down and running my tongue over his cock. With one last grunt, he lifted his hips and held them. His cock seemed to grow even bigger and harder in my mouth. As I moved my tongue to the tip of the head, streams of hot liquid erupted from him into my mouth. The first hit the roof of my mouth and then covered my tongue. The streams kept coming. My mouth was already full with his cock, there was not much room for cum. I had to swallow. That gave me some relief. The jerks of his body became less intense and the streams smaller. When he was finally finished I gave his cock one last suck, in case he had any sperm left, and then cleaned him off with my tongue and swallowed one last time. I let his cock fall with a soft plop on his stomach and then turned towards him. He looked up at my face and touched the side of his mouth with a finger. I touched the side of my mouth and realized I had a line of cum from my mouth down to my chin. I stuck my tongue out to the side and licked off as much as I could reach. He watched with a small grin on his face. He put his arm out to the side. I reached down, pulled the covers up and then moved up alongside him and put my head on his shoulder and my arm across his chest.

He turned to look at me, "Mom, is there anything I can do for you now"?

I gave my head a small shake, "No Honey. I just wanted to do something special for you before you left".

"Well that was certainly special". He turned a bit on his side towards me and put his other arm around me. We were both coming down off the high and were beginning to drift off.

"I want you to be careful out there. You have a lot to return to back here".

He gave me a sleepy "Huh"?

"Just be careful out there".

He did not reply as he was already asleep. Just like a man. Shoots his sperm into a woman's mouth and then falls asleep. I reached up and ran my fingers lightly over his face and then went to sleep myself.

The next morning when I woke, Danny was already gone. He had to have left before dawn as it was just getting light now. I got up and began my morning routine. Thank god no nausea this morning. When I got downstairs I made some coffee. I noticed we were almost out. Our supply has lasted quite a long time but not much longer. I took my cup and sat at the kitchen table to go over what I wanted to say to the girls one last time.

After about an hour and a couple more cups, I heard the sounds of the girls beginning to get up. I got up and began moving around the kitchen getting breakfast ready for them. Susan and Terri arrived first and began setting the table. Once Megan and Shelly arrived I began putting the food on the table.

Susan looked around and then asked, "Should I go get Danny"?

I tried to answer casually, "Danny won't be here for a couple of days. He's out hunting to restock our supply of meat".

"Isn't it awfully early for hunting? There is still snow on the ground a little higher up".

"Well, it was a sudden decision. He wanted to get out for a while". With a laugh I added, "Probably too much estrogen in the air around here for him".

Susan still had a questioning look on her face, "He did not say anything about going out to me".

"Well, like I said, it was a sudden decision. He made up his mind just last night". To try and change the subject I added, "Come on, let's eat before it gets cold".

Everyone began digging in. I just sat and sipped my coffee, listened to the girls chatter, and in my mind I again ran over what I wanted to say. My thoughts were interrupted when Terri asked, "Mom, aren't you going to eat"?

I smiled at her and replied, "I'm not really hungry this morning".

When they were finished eating and had the dishes cleared I gathered up my nerve and spoke up, "Girls, I have a couple of things we need to talk about". I motioned them to sit down at the table again. Once I had their attention I began, "You all know we have been monitoring the radio and TV to see if there is anyone out there. And Danny has been going over to watch the freeway in the valley. All these years we have been watching, and no sign of anyone. I think we have to accept the idea that there might not be anyone out there. We might be it". I stopped to let it sink in.

Shelly spoke up first. "You think we might be the only ones left? When we're gone that's it"?

Susan broke in, "There must be people somewhere".

"Girls, we have been listening on the radio and watching for seven years now. We have been broadcasting an 'anybody out there?' during that whole time with no response. I think if there was anyone out there we would have heard by now".

The group got quiet. Megan finally spoke up, "What can we do"?

That was the question I was waiting for. "Well I have been thinking about that for the last few days. I think we are going to have to grow our family. We can start the repopulating here".

All the girls were quiet. I could see they were thinking this through to its logical conclusion. The girls looked at each other and at me with a questioning look on their faces.

Finally Megan spoke what they must be thinking, "But Danny is the only boy".

"Yes he is. He is the only one we have. We are five women and one man. For this to work he is our man".

Looking at the girls faces I could see that Susan was not objecting, no surprise there. I could not tell what Shelly and Terri were thinking. They seemed to be neutral at this point. Looking at Megan's face I could see she was not sold on the idea yet.

Megan looked at her sisters and then me, "Mom, Danny is our brother. I changed his diapers. I'm not going to jump into bed and do it with him".

Susan jumped in, "If someone has to I will".

Terri, not to be left out, "If Susan is I will".

"Girls, if we are going to do this I think it should be everyone and we should go by age. And Terri, you are still too young".

Terri folded her arms and sat back in her chair, "What do you mean I'm too young? You are always telling me I'm too young".

"Well you are too young for this. You are still thirteen. I think you should be at least thirteen, maybe older".

"You say I'm too young for everything".

I needed to get control again, "And take a look at your brother. He is not a boy any longer. He's now as big as your father was. Have you noticed how hard he works outside"?

But Megan was not being distracted, "You said by age. I'm the oldest. I don't want to get pregnant first. I don't want to get pregnant at all".

This is going to take some work, "I understand. You still see Danny as a little boy you played with, teased, and yes, changed his diapers. But you have to look at the bigger issue here. I think we are all that is left. We have an obligation to rebuild and there is only one way to do that. There are no other options. And I think this is something that we should all do. But I am not going to decide this for you. I think you girls should vote on this. Majority wins. I will cast a vote only if there is a tie. Is that okay with everyone? Okay. I'm going to the next room for a few minutes so you all can discuss this among yourselves".

As I got up the girls looked around at each other. I could see that Megan was trying hard to sway Shelly to her point of view. I pored my 6th cup of coffee and went into the front room. Once I was finished I returned to the kitchen. I looked around at the girls waiting for someone to say something. "Ready for a vote"? Everyone but Megan nodded their head. "In favor"? Terri, Susan and Shelly slowly raised their hands. After several seconds Megan raised her hand a few inches.

"Okay. Here is what we...."

Megan interrupted me, "Does Danny know this? Have you already talked to him"?

"No. I have not talked to him yet".

"What if he does not want to, you know, do it with us"?

"I don't think that will be a problem. He is your brother, but he's also a guy. They don't always think with the big head".

"Okay. Here is what we are going to do: We are almost finished with the repairs on one of the bedrooms. As soon as that is finished Danny will move into it. Starting with Megan, one of you will move in with him and stay with him for three months. That should be enough time to get pregnant. After three months you can move back to your own bedroom and the next sister gets to move in for her turn".

Terri raised her hand.

I smiled when I saw that, "Terri, just speak up. You don't have to raise your hand".

She lowered her hand sheepishly, "Why three months? That seems like an awfully long time for each of us".

"Well, contrary to some of the books you have read here and some of the movies we have, girls do not always get pregnant the first time they have sex. Sometimes it takes a long time. The three months will give us time to be sure. It will also space things out. We do not want to have everybody pregnant at the same time. We have a lot of work to do around here and now we will have even more. We will need to add on to the house so we will have room for the babies. Our lives will be changing quite a bit in the next few years".

Megan had been looking at the floor for the last few minutes. While the other girls seemed agreeable I was sure she still had reservations. "Do any of you have any questions"?

Terri, Susan and Shelly all shook their heads. Terri leaned over and whispered to Susan and Susan's face blushed.

I looked back to Megan, "Megan? Do you have any questions"?

With the sound of protest still in her voice she began, "I understand what you are saying, but I don't see why the oldest has to go first. I don't want to be the first to get pregnant".

Okay, here's the moment. I said, "Megan, you aren't the oldest", then I hesitated. I was having trouble finding the words to tell them that I had slept with their brother and was already pregnant. Well not exactly slept. That was my problem.

Megan interrupted me before I could go on, "Yes I am. Only you are older than I am".

I nodded, "That's my point. You will not be the first". Then I just blurted it out, "I am already pregnant".

I thought everyone's jaw was going to hit the floor. They all began
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