انجمن لوتی: عکس سکسی جدید، فیلم سکسی جدید، داستان سکسی
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Sex Stories - داستانهای سکسی به زبان انگلیسی



در این تاپیک داستانهایی سکسی به زبان انگلیسی قرار می گیرد.

دوستانی که زبان انگلیسیشون ضعیفه میتونند از طریق مترجم گوگل صفحات رو ترجمه کنند ترجمه زیاد سلیس وروان نیست اما مفهوم رو میرسونه.

ابتدا به آدرس زیر بروید:

زبان را از هر زبان به فارسی انتخاب کنید. سپس آدرس این صفحه را وارد کنید:

برای نمونه بخشی از داستان اول به اینصورت ترجمه شد
سکس فارسی
داریوش دانشجوی آمریکایی ایرانی تبار بود.زندگی دبیرستان بزرگ بود ، اما در سراسر جهان حادثه خاص زندگی خود را در مدرسه تحت تاثیر قرار بود.روزنامه دانمارکی چاپ شده چیزی که باعث خشم دولت ایران است.از آنجا که از آن حادثه تمام ، بالا آموزان و همکلاسی های خود را اذیت و آزار او را در مورد هویت ایرانی خود است.بدتر ، ساخته شده توسط معلم مدرسه خود را بالا ، خانم اوا راسموسن بود.دانمارک ، آمریکا و همه ، او در برابر دولت ایران شد و گفت که دانمارک و تمام کشورهای غربی ، آزادی بیان ، حتی به بهای از هر کسی ، آن مذهب یا سیاست.اوا راسموسن همچنین گفت : بسیاری از چیز های ضد ایرانی را نیز به عنوان چگونه همه آنها باید در خارج از دانمارک اخراج ، همراه با هر کس دیگری از شمال آفریقا یا خاور میانه.نظر او داریوش صدمه زده بودند ، و بسیاری از دوستان خود شروع به درخواست او ، که در آن وفاداری او دروغ گفته : به ایالات متحده آمریکا یا ایران؟اوا راسموسن معلم ورزش جذاب شمال اروپا بود ، با موهای بلند بلوند و او شبیه است که شخصیت slutty ورزش ها را از تلویزیون نشان می دهد زنان خانه دار ناامید.اما او و داریوش ردیف ها و استدلال های بسیاری داشته است.او از ایران خواسته بود ، دشمن ایالات متحده آمریکا و او نام او را "زنیکه".یک چیز را دنبال کردند.او به دفتر مدیر مدرسه فرستاده شد و پدر و مادرش به نام بیش از.داریوش پس از آن ، به عذرخواهی به معلم خود را ، که بطور سرد در زمان عذر خواهی خود را ساخته بود.داریوش بود عذرخواهی ، به دنبال فروتن و همه.اما در عمق ، پدر و مادر خود متنفر و تظاهرات خود را در مورد ایران که به نام کشور 'تروریستی' در زمینه آزادی بیان ، وطن دوستی ، که او در آموزش درس های تاریخ و که داریوش پذیرفته شد باید یاد بگیرند که خود را به عنوان یک آمریکایی ، و ایران دوم است.یک روز ، هنگامی که کلاس تمام شد ، داریوش نزدیک اوا راسموسن.او نشستم ، مارک تکالیف.او متوجه سایه خود را ، او تبدیل به نگاه کردن او را.او گفت : "بله.آیا من می توانم به شما کمک کند؟ "داریوش نگاه مجرم شناخته و او گفت :" من متاسفم که من به نام شما فاحشه. "اوا او را قطع و گفت ،" شما در حال حاضر به من عذرخواهی کرد.شما لازم نیست عذرخواهی دو بار است. "او دست خود را در زیر کت خود قرار داده و در زمان یک گردنبند.او توسط آن هیپنوتیزم شده بود.او هر چیزی زیبا مانند آن را ندیده است."این گردنبند را برای شما می باشد.در ایران ، حزب گناه حال حاضر به کسی آنها را به حال جرم می دهد.شما می توانید بگویم این است که چگونه ما ایرانیان می گویند متاسفم. "اوا سعی کردم نه خنده.تا آنجا که او نگران بود ، آنها تمام متکبر بودند و عمل در صورتی که متعلق به آمریکا و بقیه جهان به آنها مدیون است.او در آن نگاه کرد.او به توسط آن هیپنوتیزم ، گفت ، "این یک راه خوب است گفت : متاسفم شد."همانطور که او هنوز کاملا هنوز شنبه بود ، او گردنبند به دور گردن او قرار داده است.وجود دارد.این گردنبند فارسی از فارسی جادوگری ایجاد شد.داریوش لبخند زد به خودش.آن کار می کرد.تمام "تبدیل شده اند فروتن" بیان سقوط او را برای آن ساخته شده است.هر کس به تن این گردنبند به دور گردن او ، مجبور به اطاعت از کسی که آن را در پشت گردن او قرار داد."پس راسموسن خانم.آیا می دانید که من؟ "، تمسخر داریوش.او سعی کرد به اطراف نگاه ، و امیدوار است که هیچ کس از دیدن این همه.اوا راسموسن اینجا زیبا راننده سرشونو تکون دادن سر دانمارکی آمریکا ، گفت ، "شما استاد من هستند." "خوب" ، لبخند زد داریوش.او تا به حال برنامه ریزی برای او.داریوش در حال حاضر صاحب زیبا ، آزادیخواه معلم ورزش است.بعدها ، او او او را به خانه اش.او توسط خودش زندگی می کردند ، که برای او کامل بود.او بر روی مبل خود نشسته بود ، در حالی که او در مقابل او ایستاد.او sipping یک لیوان کک ، در حالی که او تا به حال به انجام کسی را دست انداختن نوار برای کارشناسی ارشد خود است.او در زمان خاموش بلوز او ، سپس پیراهن او.او در نهایت به سینه بند و panties او.پس از او آنها را در زمان خاموش ، داریوش در حال حاضر به حال نظر خوب بسیاری از برده خود را برهنه."برده ، من می خواهم به شما می آیند و خزیدن به من" ، به دستور داریوش.اوا پاسخ داد : "بله استاد".او در زانو خود رفت ، و سپس کف دست خود را به طبقه کاهش یافته پایین.او به او مثل یک سگ crawled شده ، در حالی که او از حالت زیپ خارج کرده اید اجرا کنید شلوار خود و در زمان خروس او.تمسخر داریوش : "حالا به من ضربه با ریاکارانه که دهان نژادپرست دانمارکی از شما." ،.اوا در خروس او را در دهان خود گرفت و شروع به مکیدن آن.او بود cumming نشده است ، اما پس از آن او واقعا شروع به گرفتن اسپرم خود را رفع تشنگی خود را.او نگه داشتن موهای بلوند خود را به پایین ، به عنوان او اولین دانمارکی آمریکایی شغل خود را ضربه را به او داد."درست است ، برده من.کارشناسی ارشد خود را راضی نگه دارید "، به دستور داریوش با بهره گیری از.دهان و فک خود را مشغول به کار در خروس خود ، نوشیدن به عنوان اسپرم فارسی که ممکن است.پس از او به پایان رسید ، تقدیر او بود بیش از همه چهره اش.دستور داد : "من می خواهم شما را به به پشت می خوابید" ، داریوش.اوا پس از آن به پشت او دروغ گفته ، به سمت کف سنگ فرش شده است.او سپس شروع به رمنج فارسی میانه خروس شرقی خود را در داخل مهبل خود و شروع به فرض او.او در ناله نگهداری می شود.او فرض خود را ، از تقدیر خود را به سیل بیدمشک ورزش او است.دست های خود را در کسانی که سینه های دوست داشتنی 40D groping بودند ، و پس از آن او مکیدن پستان چپ او بود ، اگر او نوزاد بود و او مادر او بود.پس از مکیدن نوک پستان خود و رمنج کس او را واقعا سخت ، آنها را متوقف لعنتی.او روی زمین به او دروغ گفته بعد سر خود را بر روی سینه او ، دروغ است.او گفت : "شما یک فیلم خوب ، اوا." اوا پاسخ داد "با تشکر از شما استاد." سپس او بوسید سینه اش ، و سپس به پشت گردن او رفت.سه هفته بعدداریوش صاحب اوا.در کلاس ، او هنوز هم با عمل اگر او به عنوان یکی از شاگردانش بود ، به طوری که هیچ کس ایده یا بوی چیزی مثل ماهی را دریافت کنید.حتی دیگر فارسی از دانشجویان آمریکایی در آن مدرسه بالا می دانستند در مورد داریوش و اوا ، با استدلال در مورد کسانی که کارتون مبارزه است.بعد از کلاس ، داریوش را به خانه اوا و داشتن رابطه جنسی با او.اما او فقط سفت بود و می خواست چیزی بیشتر.او سپس به نام پنج فارسی دانشجویان آمریکایی ، که او می دانست ، و همه آنها در جای خود نشان داد.اوا در حال حاضر تفریحی خود را.او خود را در جدول های چوبی خود نشسته بود ، غوطه وری یک بطری بزرگ در داخل مهبل خود ، در حالی که داریوش و پنج دوستان آمریکایی فارسی پسر نوشیدن و خندیدن با هزینه او.دست او بود تنه زدن داخل بطری است.داریوش و پسران او را تشویق ، گفت : "سریع تر ، سریع تر است." او به همان سرعتی که او می تواند ، تا زمانی که آنها می تواند تقدیر خود چکیدن خارج از مهبل خود ، رویه حتی در نوک بطری مراجعه کنید و شروع به چکیدن روی میز چوبی او .داریوش دستور داد : "خوب توقف" ،.متوقف شد.یکی از پسران فارسی حمید ، لبخندی زد و به داریوش و دیگران ، گفت : "هی من یک ایده." ایده او ایده بیمار بود.یک روز ، او به ارمغان آورد سگ او بیش از.اوا برهنه شد و خروس سگ حمید بود در داخل مهبل انسان اوا.سگ لعنتی اوا بود.پنجه های آن بر روی سینه خود بودند.یکی از بچه ها فارسی بود حمل یک دوربین فیلمبرداری و فیلمبرداری همه چیز است.داریوش می دانستند آن را یک ایده بزرگ بود.اوا همچنین دستور داده شد تا گاهی اوقات در جهت دوربین را نگاه کنید و می گویند با صدای بلند ، "ما آمریکایی ها ، دانمارکی مانند عموزاده قاره ما ، عشق داشتن رابطه جنسی با سگ."علی ، یکی دیگر از مرد ، به او خندید ، "شما که حق". همه آنها در خفا با بهره گیری از خود لعنتی یک سگ است.او moaned ، به عنوان خروس وحشی سگ چکش سریع و سخت است.اسپرم حیوانات در حال حاضر در داخل بدن او بود.پس از آن ، حمید ساخته شده سگ او او را ترک کند ، به طوری که او می تواند بر روی چهار دست و پا و سگ می تواند او را از پشت را.دوربین فیلمبرداری بر خروس خزدار خود را در ورود او anally است.خروس آن ، هنوز هم چکیدن اسپرم ، در حال حاضر در داخل الاغ او بود.سگ شروع به حرکت خروس راه خود را تا الاغ او را مانند یک لوکوموتیو در حال حرکت در داخل یک تونل است.او شروع به ناله و به دست آوردن همه هیجان زده است.این همه رفتن در ویدئو است.پس از سگ اوا را از پشت در زمان ، او دستور داده شد تا روی زمین دروغ و سگ کار ضربه ای ، برای تمام hardwork به حال انجام شده است.او بر روی آن مکیده ، با دوربین فیلمبرداری مداخله مکیدن چهره خود را بر روی آن.داریوش او را در یک نقطه ساخته شده برای جلوگیری از مکیدن و اجازه دهید قطره اسپرم حیوان خود را بر روی صورت خود.دوربین فیلم برداری واقعی از نظر خوبی که کل آن است.داریوش و باند برنامه ریزی شده به فروش ویدئو و مقداری پول را برای خود ، که آنها نتوانستند.تولید کننده سفت پورنو دیدم کل نوار و او لبخند زد.او بیش از حد آمریکا غنی ایرانی بود و او دو

persian sex1

Darius Zatosh was an Iranian-American student. High school life was great, but a certain incident worldwide had affected his life in school. The Danish newspapers printed something which infuriated the Iranian government. Because of that whole incident, high schoolers and his own classmates had been harassing him about his Persian identity. The matters were made worse, by his high school teacher, Ms Eva Rasmussen. Being Danish-American and all, she was against the Iranian government and said that Denmark and all Western countries have freedom of expression, even at the expense of anyone, be it religion or politics.

Eva Rasmussen was also saying many anti-Iranian things as well, as how they should all be kicked out from Denmark, along with anyone else from North Africa or the Middle East. Her comments had hurt Darius, and many of his own friends started asking him, as to where his loyalties lied: to the United States of America or Iran?

Eva Rasmussen was an attractive Nordic Blonde teacher, with long blonde hair and she resembles that Blonde slutty character from the tv show Desperate Housewives. But she and Darius had had many rows and arguments. She had called Iran, an enemy of the United States of America and he called her a ‘bitch’. One thing followed. He was sent to the Principal’s office and his parents called over.

After that, Darius was made to apologize to his teacher, who coldly took his apologies. Darius did apologize, looking humble and all. But deep down, his parents hated it and their protests about Iran being called a ‘terrorist’ country was accepted in the context of free speech, patriotism, that she was teaching history lessons and that Darius must learn to see himself as an American, and Iranian second.

One day, when class was over, Darius approached Eva Rasmussen. She was sat down, marking assignments. As she noticed his shadow, she turned to look up at him. She said, “Yes. Can I help you?” Darius looked guilty and he said, “I am sorry that I called you a bitch.” Eva cut him off, saying, “And you already apologized to me. You don’t have to apologize twice.”

He put his hand under his jacket and took out a necklace. She was mesmerized by it. She had never seen anything beautiful like it. “This necklace is for you. In Iran, the guilty party gives a present to someone whom they had offended. You can say this is how we Persians say sorry.”

Eva tried not to laugh. As far as she was concerned, they were all arrogant and acted as if they owned America and that the rest of the world owes them. She looked at it. She became more mesmerized by it, saying, “That is a good way of saying sorry.”

As she was still sat perfectly still, he placed the necklace around her neck. There. It was a Persian necklace, created from Persian sorcery. Darius smiled to himself. It worked. The whole “I have become humble” expression made her fall for it. Whoever wore this necklace around her neck, would have to obey the person who placed it on her neck.

“So Miss Rasmussen. Do you know who I am?”, mocked Darius. He tried to look around, hoping that no one was seeing all this. Eva Rasmussen nodded here beautiful Danish-American head, saying, “You are my master.” “Good”, smiled Darius. He had plans for her. Darius now owned the beautiful, freedom-loving Blonde teacher.

Later, he had her take him to her apartment. She lived all by herself, which was perfect for him. He was sat on her sofa, while she stood in front of him. He was sipping a glass of coke, while she had to perform strip tease for her master. She took off her blouse, then her shirt. She was finally down to her bra and panties. After she took them off, Darius now had a much good view of his slave: naked.

“Slave, I want you to come and crawl to me”, ordered Darius. Eva responded, “Yes master”. She went on her knees, and then her palms dropped down to the floor. She crawled to him like a dog, while he unzipped his pants and took out his cock. “Now blow me with that racist hypocritical Danish mouth of yours.”, mocked Darius.

Eva took in his cock in her mouth and started sucking it. He was not cumming yet, but then he really started getting his sperm quenching her thirst. He was holding her Blonde hair down, as she gave him his first Danish-American blow job. “That’s right, my slave. Keep your master happy”, ordered the enjoying Darius. Her mouth and jaw worked on his cock, drinking as much Persian sperm as possible.

After she finished, his cum was all over her face. “I want you to lie on your back”, ordered Darius. Eva then lied on her back, towards the carpeted floor. He then started ramming his Persian Middle Eastern cock inside her cunt and started fucking her. She kept on moaning. He was fucking her, his cum flooding her Blonde pussy. His hands were groping at those lovely 40D breasts, and then he was sucking on her left breast, like as if he were a baby and she was his mother.

After sucking on her nipple and ramming her cunt really hard, they stopped fucking. He lied on the floor next to her, lying his head on her breasts. He said, “You are one good fuck, Eva.” Eva responded, “Thank you master.” He then kissed her breast, then went to her nape.

Darius owned Eva. In class, she still acted as if she was one of his students, so that no one would get the idea or smell something fishy. Even the other Persian American students in that high school knew about Darius and Eva, with the fighting arguments about those cartoons.

After class, Darius would go to Eva’s house and have sex with her. But he was just horny and wanted something more. He then called five Persian American students, whom he knew, and they all showed up in her place.

Eva was now their amusement. She was sat on her own wooden table, plunging a large bottle inside her cunt, while Darius and his five Persian American guy friends were drinking and laughing at her expense. Her hand was shoving the bottle inside. Darius and the boys were cheering her on, saying, “Faster, faster.” She did as fast as she could, until they could see her cum dripping out from her cunt, even surfacing on the bottle tip and started dripping on her wooden table.

“Ok stop”, ordered Darius. She stopped. One of the Persian boys, Hamid, smiled and told Darius and others, “Hey I got an idea.” His idea was a sick idea.

One day, he brought his dog over. Eva was naked and Hamid’s dog’s cock was inside Eva’s human cunt. The dog was fucking Eva. Its paws were on her breasts. One of the Persian guys was carrying a camcorder and was filming the whole thing. Darius knew it was a great idea. Eva was also ordered to sometimes look at the camcorder’s direction and say out loud, “We Danish Americans, like our continental cousins, love having sex with dogs.”

Ali, another guy, laughed at her, “You got that right.” They were all secretly enjoying her fucking a dog. She moaned, as the dog’s beastly cock was hammering her fast and hard. Animal sperm was now inside her body.

Afterwards, Hamid made his dog leave her, so that she could go on all fours and the dog can take her from the back. The camcorder focuses on its furry cock entering her anally. Its cock, still dripping sperm, was now inside her ass. The dog started moving its cock way up her ass, like a locomotive moving inside a tunnel. She started moaning and getting all excited. This was all going on video.

After the dog took Eva from behind, she was then ordered to lie on the floor and give the dog a blow job, for all the hardwork it had done. She sucked on it, with the camcorder taping her face sucking on it. Darius made her at one point to stop sucking and let its animal sperm drip on her face. The camcorder had a real good view of the whole thing.

Darius and gang planned to sell the video and make some money for themselves, which they did. The horny porn producer saw the whole tape and he smiled. He too was a rich Iranian American and he loved what he saw. He said, “Bitch is doing a good job.”

He paid them altogether $500 for it. Darius tried to bargain for a much higher price. He said, “Make it $10,000 and I’ll say we are even.” The porn producer smiled and then said, “Ok. We have a deal.”

Darius happily took the $10,000 and the six boys were now ready to spend that much money. But they had more plans for Eva Rasmussen.

At night, Darius and gang made her dress like a street walker and acted as her pimp. They went to an Iranian American ethnic area and many Iranian men would whistle, just looking at Eva walk and dress like that. A fat Iranian man, who looked like Saddam Husesein, asked her, “How much?” Eva would smilingly say, “$100 an hour”. In one night, she could attract at least 7 to 8 men. She made the money and it all went to Darius and gang.

They were not only her pimps, but fucked her as well. Her cunt, ass and mouth was far too full of Persian milk. Some of the man would pull up her whore skirt and fuck her straight on the ass, as she was made not to wear any panties underneath. She also wore no bra, so it was easy for man to come and suck and grope on her boobs.

As men fucked her right there on the streets, Darius and the boys were secretly filming the whole thing. This was the beginning of their blackmail scheme. Once she finishes fucking a man, Darius and his Iranian mafia high schoolers would come in the spotlight and blackmail the man, for at least $10,0000. The men were easily scared, not wanting to be shunned at by their community and so they always paid up.

Darius was starting to become a businessman.

Darius and his five friends went there separate ways, once they left high school. But as for Eva, Darius had then sold her off to an Iranian man, who lived in Canada and hated Americans. Darius told the man the whole story and he met this man through the internet.

The man looked at the sexy Eva and he paid Darius $10,000 for her. “I will teach this bitch a lesson for making remarks about our people”, cursed the man. He looked like a serial rapist, who fled Iran for Canada, as his human rights lawyer helped him get Canadian citizenship.

The man was having sex with Eva all night. He would bite on her breasts and his cock would ram her cunt, when it was still dry. This would give her more pain. “Take that you fucking American whore. Take that”, yelled the man at his newly acquired slave. She would respond, “Yes master. I am a whore for you.”

At night, he slept with her, while his cock was still inside her ass, where it is nice and warm. Her Danish ass would keep his Persian cock warm and healthy, as he planned to make this bitch pregnant, with Persian children and living off Canadian govt’s benefit money.

His cock was in her ass, while his hands were groping at her breasts, roughly of course. She just had to take it all. His abuse and his cock sometimes residing in that fine body of hers. He would whisper to her ears, saying, “You will never eat pork again.”


Our father worked for the US Government as an embassy official and we travelled to several different places as my sister and I were growing up. My sister was a year older than me and extemely attractive. Our existence was a lonely one, and often there was only just the two of us and the embassy staff at the residence as our parents participated in various functions away from where the embassy was located.
We were young, and rather stupid as the incident related occured. She had walked into the bathroom as I was taking a shower. I'd forgotten to lock the door and was masturbating anxiously as she walked in there! She had squealed at first and said I was a filthy pig! She then rushed out, but then came back a moment later and closed the door behind her.

It was then that she had opened the curtain, and looked at me face to face while I stood naked and still wet, and she began to lecture me, perhaps the way an older sister should.

I hadn't cum, or squirted anything. Her entrance had inhibited my progress! My cock however was still stiff, and she was standing there in front of me while I just stood there naked feeling stupid! Her eyes kept glancing down toward my cock, as she continued talking. My shaft it seemed would not get soft!

She told me I'd go blind. I'd heard such things before. She said that it was large, much larger than she might have thought! She asked if I had ever seen a naked woman? I lied and told her that I hadn't, though I'd fucked a younger servant girl while living in Cambodia the year before!

She opened up her robe for me to see. She wasn't wearing anything beneath! My cock extended further, then she touched my cock and suggested that it wasn't good to have such feelings at my age, especially for my sister!

Well, one thing then led to another. It was only her and I inside the house. She then took off her robe and got into the shower naked with me, and told me that she wouldn't tell our mother what she'd seen me doing.

We washed each others body with the soap. She washed my cock. I washed her furry snatch and felt her clit responding. I fingered her and felt her cunt react! The situation started getting worse. We experimented, and started doing things perhaps we shouldn't have as she now leaned against the shower wall, and arched her butt toward me. My cock caressed her furry pussy from behind, inside the slit of wetness in between. She moaned and said she liked the way it felt.

My cock caressed her clitoris, and when it seemed that she could take no more she pushed so hard against my cock it just went in! We fucked! Her cunt responded.

Her cherry had been broken by a boy she met while staying with our aunt the previous summer. She said they didn't really fuck. He put his cock in her, and that was all, then took it out a moment later, squirting seed.

My sister at that time would have been around fifteen. We became the best of friends and fucked regularly whenever our parents were not there. She told me things she never told another soul. I was her soul-mate, she was mine.

Six months would pass. She started getting friendly with one of the marines who came by one day to do a security inspection on our residence. He was older, perhaps twice my sister's age, and I could tell he really liked her, flirting with her all the time, and coming over to house whenever our folks were away. I knew that he was married, and had three kids back home. He had been away from them six months, and had another three to go. He really missed them lots, but it didn't seem to stop him from flirting with my sister Ebbie every chance he got! Ebbie of course loved the attention of an older man, and she responded.

Finally it happened. One afternoon when he came over she disappeared. I couldn't see them. I suspected she was with him in the utility building behind the house where we lived. I went down there. It was during the middle of the day. I heard a noise coming from inside and then looked through a partly open window. They didn't see me. I was lucky. I'm not sure what might have happened if they had!

Her jeans and panties were on the floor, her blouse fully open and her tits were being sucked on as he fucked her! I was overwhelmed with jealousy, watching as he gave her so much pleasure, her naked ass rotating to his thrusts!

I watched as well, perhaps for the instruction. I knew that he was married, that he'd likely fucked his wife a thousand times or more. She uttered words of thanks and praise and squealed and moaned in pleasure as his cock fulfilled her pleasure.

They fucked for quite a while, his enormous cock as thick as I had ever seen, my sister squealing with delight, her hips reacting to his thrusts! I hoped he might not hurt her. I worried that his cock was far too large! It was so much more intense than what she did with me.

I'm not sure quite how long they took, though it must have been a half an hour, and my sister must have cum a dozen times or more before he'd done with her and used her cunt to satisfy the need he must have harbored these six months!

Finally I knew he was about to finish! And then it happened! His cock began to squirt its seed! He had taken it from out of her as he began to cum, and squirted it the distance to her face and on her tits and down her belly. The thick white sperm that squirted from his penis was incredible. She didn't seem to care at all, and even seemed to like the taste of it while using just her finger to wipe the beads of cum from off her face! I thought I'd like to try that the next time we had sex, though I doubted if I'd have sufficient cum!

They started to get dressed. It was time for me to disappear as quickly as I could! I never mentioned not a word of it to anyone, not even to my sister.

Interestingly, she had snuck into my bedroom that same night, hornier than I had ever felt her, and wanted me to fuck her hard. She was different now, more needful than before. In months that followed we were fucking all the time, the fucking more intense that it had been before!

What he had done to her, and caused for her to fuck like this I wasn't sure! I hated him for taking of her innocence like this, and turning her into a whore! He'd fucked her hard, and used her, and left her wanting more!

I thought about his wife back home and hoped perhaps that she was getting fucked as well, perhaps by several different men, and getting someone elses sperm implanted in her womb. Perhaps she wasn't on the pill? She could have a surprise for him when he came home!

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Jason was in deep trouble and he knew it, he was on the verge of flunking Economics 1! Jesus Christ, why did he even take this stupid course, it had absolutely nothing to do with his major, and if he didn't get at least a passing grade, he wouldn't graduate this spring with his class, and what's worse, he'd have to stay for the summer session and take it over again and he had plans to tour Europe with a couple of his buddies as kind of a last fling. While Professor Watters was known for his toughness, Jason figured he didn't have anything to lose by doing a little begging for his academic life, so he scheduled an appointment with the professor for the following day. Right from the start he could see that coming here had been a big mistake, as Professor Watters was totally unsympathetic to his situation. "Study harder, Mr. Polk, that is the only advice I can give you," Profesor Watters intoned cryptically, "I've never given a grade that a student didn't deserve, and I most certainly won't start now!!!" "Good day, Mr. Polk," he said acidly, "I have a lot of work to do!"

Jason dragged himself out of his chair and trudged down the hall, trying in vain to think of a way out of his mess. While walking, a slightly round figure approached him in the hallway, it was Jaime Kurtz, Professor Watters graduate assistant. While always wearing thick glasses, Jaime was the ultimate bookworm, and at only about five foot two inches tall, her short frame was forced to carry in excess of 185 pounds, so she looked much like a walking bowling ball! Before they passed each other, Jason had a quick brainstorm, and in desperation played his last card, "Jaime, how ya doin" he asked easily, "nice lecture you gave today, I can see why the Professor has put so much faith in you!" Jaime stopped as she neared Jason, and asked eagerly, "Did you really like it, I put a lot of work into that lecture, I hope the students appreciated it!" "Oh, I know I did," Jason replied, "it was very good, but there's just one thing," and he let his voice trail off. "What's that" she asked quickly, "if there was something wrong, I could correct it before the next class." "Oh, no," he answered smoothly, "it's just that, well, I just don't seem to understand the material like I should, do you think that you could maybe give me a little extra help, I mean, I'd pay you for your time!!!" "Oh you don't have to pay me anything," she replied excitedly, "that's what were here for, to help the students!" "Good," he said, "then it's settled, let's get together tonight at your place to go over the parts I'm having trouble with, okay!?!" The meeting was quickly arranged, and Jason was set to meet Jaime Kurtz that evening in her apartment at eight pm.

"Nice place," Jason commented, while sitting down in the living room of Jaime Kurtz. It was apparent from the look on her face, that Jaime was more than a little happy that she had such a handsome young man visiting her, and since she was sort of a "plain jane", she didn't have much of a social life with the opposite sex, and even if this wasn't a formal date, she did have Jason Polk in her apartment all to herself! "Now, Jason," she began, "what seems to be the problem?" "Well, Miss Kurtz," he replied, "it's just everything, I just don't seem to get it!!!" "Please, call me Jaime," she offered, "let's find out exactly where you need the most work." "Okay, Jaime," he said, while opening up his Econ 1 text book, "why don't you come over here and we can go over some of this stuff!" Jaime slid onto the couch next to him, and waited until Jason stopped at the chapter on globalization of free trade. Jaime was obviously in her element, because for the next five minutes she talked practically non stop about the interaction of governments and business on a world wide scale, while Jason, of course was paying absolutely no attention to any of her gobble-d-gook, and instead during one of her more boring moments, let his arm casually drape around the instructor's shoulder. She didn't seem to even notice, but Jason figured it was now or never, so he turned to face her, and shut her up with a hard full kiss on the lip, and while she was momentarily stunned, she quickly warmed to the occasion and returned the kiss with her full passion! He pulled away, looked her in the eyes, and lied, "I've been thinking about doing that since your first lecture at the beginning of the semester!" "Really," she asked, "you should have said something a long time ago," as she then kissed him again, but this time even more passionately! As they kissed, Jason let his hand roam all over Jaime's breasts, kneading and cupping the big fat udders, making her moan as he tugged on her now distended nipples. "Let's get out of these clothes," Jason ordered, and without waiting for an answer, stood up and shed all of this clothing, leaving him standing in front of her totally naked, and with a semi hard erection just inches from her face! He leaned forward just a few inches, allowing the head of his penis rushed against her moist lips. She let her tongue trace a line all over his knob, and it jumped every time her tongue flicked over it, until finally, she opened her mouth and let it slip into her warmth, caressing it like it were a rare piece of china. Her vagina flooded with moisture with the big cock in her mouth, it had been so long since she had done this, and never with a cock as magnificent this!!! Although she was anxious to feel it inside of her pussy, she couldn't help herself, and soon she had induced a cum flooding orgasm that filled her mouth with the warm sticky goo savoring it and swirling it in her mouth until finally swallowing it all down, leaving a warm satisfied feeling in her ample belly!

Jason was surprised at the skill that Jaime had shown at sucking cock, he had figured her for a real neophyte, not a expert on oral love making, and although she had a tubby little body, and wasn't the most attractive girl in the world, he had to admit that that was one of the best blow jobs he had ever had! As she scrambled to get off her clothing, her massive breasts swayed back and forth while her areolas tipped with fat nubs, stood out like mini erections hanging over her soft round belly! Jason for the life of him couldn't figure it out, but he was getting another erection just looking her, and he realized that he probably wanted her as much as she wanted him!!! "How do you want it," he whispered to her, while he twisted her big nipples between his thumb and forefinger? "From the rear," she answered fiercely, "I want to feel like I'm really being taken against my will!!!" Jason's pecker jumped, at the thought of ramming her from the back, and he lined up his cock as she settled on the sofa with her big ass in the air, and her legs wide apart exposing her bulging vagina. Jaime's fur ran all the way to her ass hole and her slit contrasted a bright pink surrounded by the dark brown bush. Jason let the head of his cock just slip inside of her cunt, and when he was ready, he lunged forward, burying his pecker all the way into her tight vagina, inducing a blinding orgasm on the first plunge, her cunt totally unprepared for the vicious assault the hard thick penis was perpetrating on it! In the next two or three minutes, Jaime had at least three stunning climaxes, with perhaps two or three smaller, if no less satisfying cums! On Jaime's last orgasm, Jason roared out loud as his own climax tore through his loins and exited his penis into her steaming cunt, causing them to collapse together in a heap of sweat, fat, and cum on the over stuffed sofa!!!

Jason idly played with Jaime's nipples and said, "I hope that you can help me with my Econ, 'cuz you're my last hope!" With a knowing look she answered, "I don't think you'll have any trouble, but it's going to take a lot more private sessions to make sure you know the material!" "Do you think you'll have time for me," he said half mockingly?!? She smirked a little, leaned over and kissed his pecker, and replied, "I'll make time!!!"


Jason was in deep trouble and he knew it, he was on the verge of flunking Economics 1! Jesus Christ, why did he even take this stupid course, it had absolutely nothing to do with his major, and if he didn't get at least a passing grade, he wouldn't graduate this spring with his class, and what's worse, he'd have to stay for the summer session and take it over again and he had plans to tour Europe with a couple of his buddies as kind of a last fling. While Professor Watters was known for his toughness, Jason figured he didn't have anything to lose by doing a little begging for his academic life, so he scheduled an appointment with the professor for the following day. Right from the start he could see that coming here had been a big mistake, as Professor Watters was totally unsympathetic to his situation. "Study harder, Mr. Polk, that is the only advice I can give you," Profesor Watters intoned cryptically, "I've never given a grade that a student didn't deserve, and I most certainly won't start now!!!" "Good day, Mr. Polk," he said acidly, "I have a lot of work to do!"

Jason dragged himself out of his chair and trudged down the hall, trying in vain to think of a way out of his mess. While walking, a slightly round figure approached him in the hallway, it was Jaime Kurtz, Professor Watters graduate assistant. While always wearing thick glasses, Jaime was the ultimate bookworm, and at only about five foot two inches tall, her short frame was forced to carry in excess of 185 pounds, so she looked much like a walking bowling ball! Before they passed each other, Jason had a quick brainstorm, and in desperation played his last card, "Jaime, how ya doin" he asked easily, "nice lecture you gave today, I can see why the Professor has put so much faith in you!" Jaime stopped as she neared Jason, and asked eagerly, "Did you really like it, I put a lot of work into that lecture, I hope the students appreciated it!" "Oh, I know I did," Jason replied, "it was very good, but there's just one thing," and he let his voice trail off. "What's that" she asked quickly, "if there was something wrong, I could correct it before the next class." "Oh, no," he answered smoothly, "it's just that, well, I just don't seem to understand the material like I should, do you think that you could maybe give me a little extra help, I mean, I'd pay you for your time!!!" "Oh you don't have to pay me anything," she replied excitedly, "that's what were here for, to help the students!" "Good," he said, "then it's settled, let's get together tonight at your place to go over the parts I'm having trouble with, okay!?!" The meeting was quickly arranged, and Jason was set to meet Jaime Kurtz that evening in her apartment at eight pm.

"Nice place," Jason commented, while sitting down in the living room of Jaime Kurtz. It was apparent from the look on her face, that Jaime was more than a little happy that she had such a handsome young man visiting her, and since she was sort of a "plain jane", she didn't have much of a social life with the opposite sex, and even if this wasn't a formal date, she did have Jason Polk in her apartment all to herself! "Now, Jason," she began, "what seems to be the problem?" "Well, Miss Kurtz," he replied, "it's just everything, I just don't seem to get it!!!" "Please, call me Jaime," she offered, "let's find out exactly where you need the most work." "Okay, Jaime," he said, while opening up his Econ 1 text book, "why don't you come over here and we can go over some of this stuff!" Jaime slid onto the couch next to him, and waited until Jason stopped at the chapter on globalization of free trade. Jaime was obviously in her element, because for the next five minutes she talked practically non stop about the interaction of governments and business on a world wide scale, while Jason, of course was paying absolutely no attention to any of her gobble-d-gook, and instead during one of her more boring moments, let his arm casually drape around the instructor's shoulder. She didn't seem to even notice, but Jason figured it was now or never, so he turned to face her, and shut her up with a hard full kiss on the lip, and while she was momentarily stunned, she quickly warmed to the occasion and returned the kiss with her full passion! He pulled away, looked her in the eyes, and lied, "I've been thinking about doing that since your first lecture at the beginning of the semester!" "Really," she asked, "you should have said something a long time ago," as she then kissed him again, but this time even more passionately! As they kissed, Jason let his hand roam all over Jaime's breasts, kneading and cupping the big fat udders, making her moan as he tugged on her now distended nipples. "Let's get out of these clothes," Jason ordered, and without waiting for an answer, stood up and shed all of this clothing, leaving him standing in front of her totally naked, and with a semi hard erection just inches from her face! He leaned forward just a few inches, allowing the head of his penis rushed against her moist lips. She let her tongue trace a line all over his knob, and it jumped every time her tongue flicked over it, until finally, she opened her mouth and let it slip into her warmth, caressing it like it were a rare piece of china. Her vagina flooded with moisture with the big cock in her mouth, it had been so long since she had done this, and never with a cock as magnificent this!!! Although she was anxious to feel it inside of her pussy, she couldn't help herself, and soon she had induced a cum flooding orgasm that filled her mouth with the warm sticky goo savoring it and swirling it in her mouth until finally swallowing it all down, leaving a warm satisfied feeling in her ample belly!

Jason was surprised at the skill that Jaime had shown at sucking cock, he had figured her for a real neophyte, not a expert on oral love making, and although she had a tubby little body, and wasn't the most attractive girl in the world, he had to admit that that was one of the best blow jobs he had ever had! As she scrambled to get off her clothing, her massive breasts swayed back and forth while her areolas tipped with fat nubs, stood out like mini erections hanging over her soft round belly! Jason for the life of him couldn't figure it out, but he was getting another erection just looking her, and he realized that he probably wanted her as much as she wanted him!!! "How do you want it," he whispered to her, while he twisted her big nipples between his thumb and forefinger? "From the rear," she answered fiercely, "I want to feel like I'm really being taken against my will!!!" Jason's pecker jumped, at the thought of ramming her from the back, and he lined up his cock as she settled on the sofa with her big ass in the air, and her legs wide apart exposing her bulging vagina. Jaime's fur ran all the way to her ass hole and her slit contrasted a bright pink surrounded by the dark brown bush. Jason let the head of his cock just slip inside of her cunt, and when he was ready, he lunged forward, burying his pecker all the way into her tight vagina, inducing a blinding orgasm on the first plunge, her cunt totally unprepared for the vicious assault the hard thick penis was perpetrating on it! In the next two or three minutes, Jaime had at least three stunning climaxes, with perhaps two or three smaller, if no less satisfying cums! On Jaime's last orgasm, Jason roared out loud as his own climax tore through his loins and exited his penis into her steaming cunt, causing them to collapse together in a heap of sweat, fat, and cum on the over stuffed sofa!!!

Jason idly played with Jaime's nipples and said, "I hope that you can help me with my Econ, 'cuz you're my last hope!" With a knowing look she answered, "I don't think you'll have any trouble, but it's going to take a lot more private sessions to make sure you know the material!" "Do you think you'll have time for me," he said half mockingly?!? She smirked a little, leaned over and kissed his pecker, and replied, "I'll make time!!!"



"I'll kill that fucking bastard," screamed Jennifer Boyle, the wife of the President of the United States, "every fucking time I go out of town on his fucking business I have to hear stories about his incessant fucking around!!!" This wasn't the first time that Jim Knox had heard this little tirade, and as the lead Secret Service body guard for the First Lady, he had seen and heard more than his fair share of intra family squabbling, but when ever she went off like this, it was better just to try and blend into the back ground and hope her tantrum would blow over quickly. Tonight, however, he had a feeling that the President had crossed over some imaginary line of demarcation, and maybe, just maybe Mrs. Boyle was going to cause Kennsington Holton Boyle more than a little trouble! She poured herself a scotch and water, and uncharacteristically offered him one. "Come on Jimmy, have a drink with me, I'm staying in the rest of the night and you go off duty in a couple of hours, so what's the harm," she asked in almost a pleading voice??? "No thanks ma'am, I really have to stay sharp, if it ever got out that agents were drinking on the job, well, I'm afraid it would be all over," replied Jim gently. "Sweet Jesus Christ," she muttered, "I can't even get the help to have a drink with me," while draining her glass and immediately pouring another! Normally Jim would have kept his mouth shut and let Mrs. Boyle work it out for herself, but tonight was different, she was really hurting inside. Her husband's philandering was taking a vicious toll on his wife and Jim couldn't understand how a man married to such a beautiful and devoted wife could even think about cheating on her! Through three campaigns for governor as well as hundreds of other fund raisers and political meetings, Jennifer Boyle had let her whole career as a lawyer stand on hold as she pushed her husband towards the prize of the presidency, and usually after meeting them both, most people wondered if the wrong Boyle got elected! "Mrs. Boyle," Jim said softly, "I just want you to know that it has been a privilege protecting you, and that in my eyes you are a true patriot!" Jennifer Boyle cocked her head to one side, took a long drink, and then slid to the floor with glass in hand and began to sob!!!

Jim Knox raced across the room and tried to help the First Lady to her feet, worried that some of the help might come in and see her in this agitated state. He could see it in the tabloids now, "First Lady Falling Down Drunk And Crying Over Kenny's Trysts!!!" Well if he had anything to say about it, that headline would never see the light of day! "Come on, Mrs. Boyle, you can't lay there like this, get to your feet and we'll talk about it," Jim pleaded! "Okay Jimmy, she slurred, "talk to me then, tell what a great man my husband is and why I'm sooooooo lucky to be married to him!!!" After Jim finally got her into an easy chair over by the desk and away from the liquor cabinet, it was then he broke a cardinal rule of the Service, Never Ever Bad Mouth Any Member Of The First Family!!! He was seething inside that his president would treat such a fine lady in such a shabby disgraceful fashion, and he just blurted out, "No ma'am, I'm not going to say that, he's not worthy of your company let alone your bed, and if I had my druthers, he would be horse whipped for the way he has treated you!!!"

With her eyes shining from tears and her lower lip trembling, she looked up at him and said, "Why thank you Jimmy, that's about the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, you don't know how much I appreciate it!" What happened next was hard for Jimmy to figure out, even later on when he had more time to think about it, but it was as if a magnet pulled their mouths together in a long deep kiss that seemed to last forever! Jim's head was spinning, he knew that what he was doing was more than wrong, it was morally repugnant, but he kept kissing her, and falling deeper and deeper under her spell. Even as he felt fingers undoing his belt buckle and soft hands slipping inside his shorts to where his manhood was trying in vain to escape its cotton prison, he tried pulling away long enough to say, "No, it's wrong, we can't do this," but she kissed him again and pulled his hard erection into the warm White House air, and while still sitting in her chair, she straightened Jim up and leaned forward, taking his hard penis into her mouth!!!

When he looked down, he couldn't help but feel totally stunned, here was a woman known the whole world over and universally loved by one and all, and yet here she was devouring his dick like there was no tomorrow!!! She let it slip out of her mouth momentarily and whispered, "You have a wonderful cock, Jimmy, I wish that I had done this a long time ago!" Seeing this lovely woman he so adored, making love to his cock in such a tender and loving way was more than he could take, and as soon as she took him back into her mouth, he let loose with a gusher of hot cum down her hot throat!!! He half expected her to spit his cock and cum out of her mouth with revulsion, but instead, she sucked even harder, trying to coax every last bit of cum from his pulsating weapon while sighing, "Jesus that tasted good I haven't done that in such a long time, I really missed it!"

Just like every man, after he cums, the edge is taken off, and Jim was no different, so immediately he tried to pull up his pants and get out of the compromising situation, but Jennifer Boyle would have none of it! "Not so fast, honey," she intoned, "you still have to take care of mama!!!" "Ma'am, I don't think that we should.......", but he was cut off when she said cryptically, "Now Jimmy, don't be like may asshole husband and leave me hanging in the lurch, you gotta do me, and do me now!!!" Just being compared to President Boyle was enough to make him want to throw up, so throwing caution to the winds, he helped Mrs. Boyle to her feet and began undressing her. When she was finally before him in just her white lace bra and panties, she was just like every other woman stripping before a new man, wondering if she would measure up, and would he be pleased!?! Well, Jennifer Boyle had no reason to feel inadequate, because Jim couldn't take his eyes off the magnificent creature in front of him! No, she wasn't some twenty one year old intern, but she was all woman, with lush full breasts, a tummy with just the hint of a paunch, wide hips that tapered down to attractive if not slim legs, and while he couldn't see it from the front, he was pretty sure that her ass would be womanly, with just a touch of cushiness! He looked into her sad eyes, sorry that it had to come to this for her, and said, "You are without a doubt one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart!" "She dropped her head, a little embarrassed, and said softly, "Thank you, you don't know how much that means to me!" Hearing her say that, saying that she was at least happy that another man found her a little bit attractive, well, that really set Jim off! He quickly stripped off his clothes and took her into his arms and again kissed her long and hard, pausing now and then to look deep into her eyes, the bright blue sparklers that had enchanted so many and high lighted so many magazine covers! He let his hand find the catches to her bra as he leaned back and let the restrictive garment fall to the floor between them. Her breasts were large and supple with just a hint of sag, he kissed her again and crushed the massive mammaries hard between them, rotating back and forth to let them work against his chest, making her nipples harden and stand out proudly! He sat he back down in the chair and tugged her bikini panties over her hips and off past her feet, revealing a pussy that was thick with dish water blonde pubic hair and shaped like a perfect vee, and from the looks of it she didn't trim or shave it, letting it grow wild and free like a shaggy old dog! He looked longingly at her now damp slit, and said, "Now, it's my turn to make you feel good," and he took his position between her thighs, and let his mouth come to rest right on her dripping crack!

"Oh, Jimmy," she moaned, "you have such a talented tongue, do mama's clit, please do it for me now!!!" He wanted her to be satisfied, but he also wanted it to last more than a minute or two, and he could tell she was right on the edge, so he decided to have a little fun and lick every where but her clitoris, slowly working up and down her crack, taking time to make love to every inch of it, but always stopping just short of her erect little love button. She started grinding her hips against his mouth, trying desperately to have his tongue make contact with her now burning clit! "Don't do this to me she moaned, you're driving me crazy, do it now, please, I can't stand it much longer," she begged loudly!!! Worried that someone might hear her loud voice, Jim finally let his tongue roam over the little thimble of love, caressing its hard little head until he heard hear her suck in a lung full of air, and quickly expel it, groaning more loudly with each passing lick, then, almost like a shooting star, out of nowhere, an orgasm of monumental proportions slammed into her hungry snatch, lifting her hips at least six inches off the chair seat, and hard into Jim's hard sucking mouth! Jim ate her like there was no tomorrow, trying to give his First Lady an orally induced climax that she would remember until the day she died!!!

"Oh my, that was wonderful," she gushed, while absentmindedly stroking her slit, "I don't think I've ever cum harder!!!" "I'm glad you liked it," Jim replied, "but we better get dressed before we get in real hot water!" "You're right," she replied brightly, "let's get dressed, I want to show you something in the West Wing." They both scrambled into their clothes, and then were off down the long corridor to the Executive Offices, and the location of the Oval Office. Since the President was in Miami for a fund raiser, there were no guards or agents patrolling that particular area at this time, as they were mostly confined to the living quarters in the main building. Jennifer Boyle used a master key, and before Jim knew what was happening, he and the First Lady were standing on the Presidential Seal in the Oval Office. "Ma'am," he offered, "I don't think the President would appreciate us rummaging around his office, in fact, I know he wouldn't like it!!!" Giving a loud snort, Mrs. Boyle retorted, "Who gives a fuck what he thinks, at this very moment he's probably being kept warm by some little South Beach tramp, besides, I haven't shown you reason for my bringing you here," and then to Jim's utter consternation, the First Lady removed all of her clothing and lay down on top of the great seal with her legs spread wide apart and said, "Well, aren't you gonna give the First Fuck what she really needs, or are you gonna make her beg for it!?!" "You're out of your mind," Jim replied excitedly, "what if someone should come in!?!" "Oh shut up, Jimmy and get your pants down," she ordered, "I won't be the first member of the Boyle family to get fucked in here!!!" Jim then made a split second decision, it would be faster to fuck her quick and get it over with than to stand there and argue with a drunken naked woman lying in the middle of the Oval Office!!! Not bothering to remove his clothing, he dropped his pants and shorts and crawled between the inviting legs of Jennifer Boyle. "Okay, Jimmy," she purred, "let's see if you fuck as good as you suck!" Her cunt was already a cauldron of burning cunt juice, so not wasting anytime with the niceties of love making, Jimmy lined up his seven inch fuck stick against the opening of her wet pussy, and in one dramatic thrust buried his pecker all the was to the hilt!!! With no one around to hear her, Jennifer Boyle screamed with pleasure as her vagina was being assaulted by the battering ram attached to Jim's crotch! "Oh, god," she moaned, "you do that so fucking well, you're giving your First Lady a presidential fucking!!!" Jim too, was now to far gone to think about anything but getting his gun off, and he even increased the tempo of his stroking as his orgasm rushed towards the head of his hard pecker! "I-I-I'm cumming," she stammered, while trying desperately to hold the hard dick deep inside her hot love canal! It was all over for Jim too, as spurts of red hot cum jettisoned out the end of his pulsating dick, and deep into the pussy of the President of the United States' wife!!!

He finally rolled off of her, gasping for air, and waiting for his pulse to return to a semblance of normalcy as she whispered, "Jimmy you are without a doubt the best agent that's ever covered a First Lady!!!" "Just how do you mean that, Ma'am," he asked slyly!?! "Anyway you want it to, Jimmy, anyway you want it to!!!"

Posted by admin at December 1, 2006


Teri just had to get away from it all, she had just buried her husband a little over three months ago, and everything around her reminded her of him. After thirty seven years of marriage to such a wonderful man, it was hard to get up in the morning and face the day! Teri's two grown daughters were getting worried about their mother's state of mind, and finally insisted that she get away for a few days, just to kind of relax and let her batteries recharge. She didn't want to go somewhere that she and Tom had visited, so it was decided that she would spend a week in New York City, taking in a few shows, and seeing all of the sights. They'd talked about doing it for years, but never got around to it, so Teri's daughters figured that this would be the perfect time!

Teri wouldn't have given their little plan a chance in hell of working, but much to her delight, she was actually having a good time! Cats and Les Miz were more fantastic than she had ever imagined they'd be, the Guggenheim had more stunning art in one place than was imaginable, and the food, well it was just magnificent! New York had turned out being the tonic that made her see that it was possible to have a life after Tom, in fact, she was planning on making Manhattan a yearly destination! In a city the size of New York, especially when you're a total stranger, you don't expect to meet someone out of your past, but for Teri, her life was about to take twist that was completely unexpected, and that moment came at the check out line at Bloomingdale's department store. While she was paying for a new pair of leather gloves for her younger daughter, she noticed a very attractive woman staring at her from across the room. She tried to ignore her, but the woman was being so obvious, that the sales lady even commented that she thought her "friend " was trying to get her attention. Teri paid for her purchase and quickly made her way to the front door when she felt a hand on her arm and the question, "Teri, is that you!?!" She spun around, not sure how to react, but in an instant recognized the face from over forty years ago in college, "Victoria," she asked!?!

"I wasn't sure it was you," exclaimed Victoria, "what's it been, forty years now!?!" "You look fabulous, Vicki," gushed Teri, while looking over her long lost friend! "You too," chimed in Vicki, "what on earth are you doing in New York, Teri, I thought you were living in the midwest somewhere?!?" "I am," replied Teri, "I'm just here on a little vacation courtesy of my two daughters, I recently lost my husband and they thought a trip would do me good!" "Oh, Teri, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, how many years were you married," asked Vicki? "Uh, thirty seven," Teri answered quickly, "say, let's not talk here, how about we go some place where we can sit down?" "Good idea," responded Vicki, "and I know just the spot!" The two woman, still gabbing away, left the store and took off down Fifth Ave, they had a lot of years to make up for!!!"

The coffee shop was dark and quiet, just kind spot for two old friends to reminisce about old times. "Where are you staying," asked Vicki, while taking a sip of her cafe' mocha? "At the Crown Plaza," replied Teri, "over by Times Square." "Well," Vicki intoned, "I'll have my girl get your things and bring them over to my place, you're not spending another night in a hotel!" Teri started to protest but Vicki just cut her off with, "Listen, girl, as long as you're in my town you always have a place to stay, and after a little more discussion, Teri finally agreed to move out of her hotel and into Vicki's co-op apartment. Teri found out that Vicki had never married, and had basically lived the life of the idle rich, a trust fund baby by way of her father's oil company. Talk of college and the good old days brought laughs and sighs from both women, where had the time gone!?! After leaving the coffee shop, Vicki hailed a cab and gave the driver a Park Avenue address, and ten minutes later they were on their way up to Vicki's apartment on the thirty third floor where they were greeted at the front door by a beautiful Japanese girl, in her early twenties by Teri's best estimation, who bowed politely at the waist and asked Vicki if there was anything she needed. Vicki quickly brought the young girl up to speed on Teri's situation at the hotel, and soon sent her on her way to retrieve her luggage. Teri was admiring the view of the United Nations and the East River when Vicki slipped up behind her, put her arms around her waist, and whispered in her ear, "Do you remember our nights together in the sorority, when I would take you like this and make love to you?" How could she forget, it was some of the best love making she had ever experienced, and Vicki always had brought out the best in her! "You know what I always liked best don't you," asked Vicki in a husky voice? Vicki answered her own question by letting her hands slide upward until they cupped Teri's huge full chest and whispered, "Tell me, how big are they now!?!" Teri, a little surprised at the sudden turn of events, managed to stammer, "38dd!" "You know how I've always loved big tits," Vicki said smoothly, "and yours feel bigger than I remembered, but I have a question for you, have you had other women since we did it in college?" Shaking her head from side to side, Teri stammered, "N-no, no one else, just you!" "Good," Vicki exclaimed, "I want you for my own," while she started unbuttoning Teri's blouse, "let's get naked!!!"

Vicki let her eyes drink in the lusciousness of Teri's full matronly body, while absentmindedly reaching out and twisting one of Teri's fat nipples, causing it harden immediately. The nipple's reaction was not lost on either woman, and Vicki commented, "Nothing's changed in all these years has it, you still can't help yourself when you're around me can you,"n while Teri whimpered softly, her vagina now a literal sieve of cunt juice. "Now," observed Vicki, while feeling Teri's open slit, "it seems that you have a problem in your vagina, and I was wondering if there was any way I could fix it for you?" "Please Vicki," Teri pleaded, "don't make me beg you, just do it!!!" "I'm surprised at you," rebuked Vicki, "you know that I always make you beg for it, do you think a little passage of time will change that fact!?!" "No," Teri panted, "I'm sorry, please, take care of it for me, I promise I'll be a good little girl!!!" In the old days, Vicki might have teased Teri for up to half an hour, but now after all these years, her own cunt was on fire with anticipation, so she led Teri to the over stuffed sofa, sat her down, and spread her legs wide. Teri's vaginal lips puffed out obscenely under her thick forest of gray flecked pubic hair, a sight that made Vicki's own cunt contract in readiness! Another thing that remained the same was Teri's need to have her breasts held and fondled during sex, and true to form, she was already softly rolling each erect nipple between an index finger and thumb. One last little tease, thought Vicki, and she asked, "Now, what is it you want me to do to you, I seem to have forgotten, it's been so many years!!!" "Jesus, Vicki," Teri moaned loudly, "eat me for god's sake, you're driving me up the wall!" Vicki chuckled, dropped to her knees, and the buried her mouth on the sweetest pussy she had ever tasted, and within two or three hard licks, Teri was having the first good orgasm since the death of her husband. It was as if a sexual avalanche was being let loose at the top of a high mountain, as it rolled over any and everything in its path! Vicki's face was drenched with cunt juice, her cheeks shining brightly as the light reflected off her wet skin as she commented, "Now my turn, my cunt is hot as a fire cracker!"

Vicki was just getting settled down on the sofa when the front door swung open and Minh Su, her young servant, came in with Teri's suitcase and over night bag. Teri immediately tried to cover herself, but Minh Su hardly even raised an eye brow at the two naked middle aged women, and much to Vicki's amusement, it was quite obvious that Teri was quite embarrassed by her predicament, and that it was time to have a more little fun with her. "Minh Su," called Vicki, "would you please come over here and help me with a little problem I'm having?" Teri couldn't believe what was happening and in a low voice hissed, "Are you crazy, she can see everything!?!" Vicki just ignored the conflagrations of her friend, and waited calmly for Minh Su. When she got there, Vicki asked her, "Dear, Teri is having a problem with her breasts, and well, to tell you the truth, they need to be sucked to relieve her tension, do you think you could take care of that for her, please?" Without hesitation, Minh Su stepped towards Teri and took a large nipple into her mouth and began sucking it softly causing Teri's eyes to immediately glaze over as the little Asian expertly sucked her to hard nipple nirvana. "Do you want me to stop her," asked Vicki innocently? "No, please don't stop her," gasped Teri, "she's unbelievable!!!" After several minutes of watching her young companion sucking Teri's big chest, Vicki then ordered, "Okay, Minh Su, stand up and take off your clothes!" Teri watched in rapt fascination as the young beauty stripped herself naked, exposing what had to be the most incredible body she had ever seen!!! Slim, without and once of fat, small perfect breast with cute up turned nipples, long black hair that perfectly framed her face, and a thick vee of pubic hair over an pair of shaved puffy vaginal lips. "Now," said Vicki, "as I was saying, what do you want to do now, Teri???" Teri licked her lips hungrily and answered softly, " I want to eat her pussy!" Vicki motion for Minh Su to lie down on the couch and to spread her legs, her entire body was a wet dream come to life, with her pussy lips bulging full, an easy indicator that Minh Su was in a state of high sexual tension. When Teri's mouth finally caressed the Japanese girl's nether lips, the young girl moan softly, and gently pushed her crotch into Teri's hungry mouth. Teri pulled away long enough to say, "God Vic, she's delicious, and these lips, they're so puffy!!!" "Don't talk, eat," admonished Vicki, who by now was fingering her own wet vagina, as she watched Teri's head disappeared between the slim thighs of her young servant. Vicki's finger flew over her engorged clitoris, transfixed at the sight of her old friend tonguing the young Asian's cunt, and equally turned on by Minh Su's nearing climax. There was something about the way Minh Su came that always made Vicki's clit do a flip flop, and now, watching her grinding her pussy into Teri's open mouth, well, it was more than Vicki could take as her groan turned to a muffled scream, which in turn drove Minh Su past the point of no return! Both Vicki and Minh Su were both caught in a vortex of sexual excitement that caused both of their vaginas to spasm over and over again in orgasmic ecstasy while Vicki collapsed on the sofa next to Minh Su and gave the young girl a deep French kiss. Teri, finally pulling away from the warm buttery vagina, waited to get her kiss from her wonderful hostess and friend and sighed softly, "Thank you, Vic, for a wonderful afternoon, the best I've had in years," just before the two old friends kissed each other tenderly, relishing the taste of Minh Su's juices which still covered Teri's face.

After they had dressed and Minh Su had gone to put Teri's things in the guest bedroom, Vicki said, "Ya know, Teri, my bed is big enough for three, what do you think!?!" "I don't think that I can wait for bed time," replied Teri, "we still have a lot of lost time to make up for, so let's get busy!!!"


Glenda stumbled from Mr. Avery's office with her eyes full of tears. This couldn't be happening to her, she had been with the company for over three years and this was the thanks she got! She passed Mrs. London's desk on the way to her own, and as she walked past it she said, "I can't believe it, the asshole just fired me, he said something about across the board cut backs, and that I was doing a fine job but they just had to let me go, why don't they fire his precious Marianne," she spat, "I'll tell you why, 'cuz he's bangin' her, that's why!!!" "Sybil London sat and let the young woman blow off steam before she interjected, "Glenda, I'm so sorry that they're letting you go, but you've been here for three years and you're still doing the same thing you were when you started, now I think, no, make that know, that you will find a better job in no time flat!" "Do you really think so, Mrs. London," whined Glenda, "it's just that I've never been fired before, and it really hurts!" At that point Glenda began sobbing almost uncontrollably, and Mrs. London got to her feet and put her arms around the young woman and comforted her. "I've got and idea," opined Mrs. London, "why don't you come over to my place tonight, we'll have some dinner and maybe watch a little TV, I don't think you should be alone tonight, and I'm not doing anything special!" Calming down now, Glenda sniffed, "Really, you wouldn't mind, that would be very nice!" "Okay then, it's settled," enthused Mrs. London, "let's get going!"

Sybil London lived in a new high rise on the thirty fifth floor with a breath taking view of the city, and immediately Glenda went over to the big picture window, and while admiring the view said, "I never knew you lived here, this is a fabulous apartment!!!" "Why thank you dear," Mrs. London yelled from the other room, "I like it because it's so bright and airy!" Glenda continued to look the place over until after about five minutes later Mrs. London came out of the bed room dressed in a silk dressing gown. "I hope you don't mind my getting out of my work clothes," said Mrs. London, but they are so confining after a hard day at the office." Hearing the words "at the office" set Glenda off on another crying jag and she wailed, "Oh, Mrs. London, what am I going to do, I don't have a job anymore!?!" "Well, for starters, you can start calling me Sybil, we aren't at the office anymore, so let's be a little less formal, okay?" Not waiting for an answer, Sybil went to Glenda and again put her arms around her and held her close while whispering, "Let's sit down and get talk this over!!!" On the sofa, Glenda rested her head on Sybil's shoulder while the fifty five year old matron gently stroked her face and hair. "You seem so tense, child," said Sybil, "and I think I know a way to relax you and make you feel much better," while reaching down to undo the sash holding her house coat shut, revealing a very large chest with pink tipped nipples. "Okay dear, this is how I calm down my own two children when they're feeling low," she said, while feeding one of her hard nubs into Glenda's warm mouth, suck it my child, let mama make her baby feel all better!" Far from being shocked, this was exactly what Glenda needed, to be taken back to a time when having her mouth on a large nipple would make her feel safe and secure! "Oh mama," Glenda sighed, the feeling of contentment coursing through her as the result her nursing on Sybil's big tits, "please take care of me!!!" Holding Glenda's head in her arms, Sybil cooed softly while the young girl suckled and nibbled on her huge nipple, the by product of that being that Sybil's vagina was getting very damp indeed! "Dear," asked Sybil, "don't you think it would be nicer if we both took off all of our clothing, I know that I would love to see your pretty body!?!" "Okay, Sybil," Glenda whispered, "let me show it to you!!!"

In the bed room, a dazed and slightly confused Glenda stood in the middle of the carpet and allowed Sybil to remove all of her clothing. A cool breeze caused the nipples on Glenda's 34c's to shrivel up and grow hard, a point which was not lost on Sybil's hungry eyes!!! Glenda's twenty five year old body was taut and trim from twice weekly work outs at the gym, and Sybil let her hands roam over the smooth firm flesh, commenting that Glenda's body was ideally suited for sexual gratification, and just to prove her point, she took her finger and let it slip through the thin blonde bush and into her warm slit where she fingered the young woman to near an orgasm!!! Glenda wobbled unsteadily, while allowing the older woman to lead her over to the bed to lie down. "Now, my dear," Sybil said, as she removed her house coat, "let mama make her little girl feel al better!" Now slipping down beside Glenda, she cradled her head to her ample breast and let her nurse, comforted by the fact that she was safe and secure in the bosom of her older friend. It was almost like a narcotic, sucking on the large nipple, and soon Glenda was totally relaxed with the big nipple securely between her lips. She really did feel like a little girl again, not having a care in the world, safe in the knowledge that as long as she was suckling this large breast, everything should turn out okay.

Glenda had lost all track of time, and wasn't sure exactly when it happened, but she was vaguely aware that Sybil's free hand was working its way into her vagina. "Glenda, darling," Sybil whispered, "spread your legs for mama so she can make you feel better, okay, honey!?!" Like a robot, Glenda did as she was told, spreading her muscular thighs wide to allow Sybil easy access to her wet pussy. Sybil wasn't in the least bit surprised that Glenda's vagina was as hot as a blast furnace, since the young girl had been nursing on her breast for over and hour, so when Sybil moved her finger in and out of the dripping slit, it caused an audible squishing sound to be heard around the room!!! Glenda was now in a state of sexual delirium, and her resulting orgasm was one of the hardest she ever had experienced and for the life of her she couldn't figure out how a middle aged woman could bring her more pleasure than her boyfriend's big cock! After settling down, Glenda went back to nursing on the big nipple, her eyes becoming heavy with sleep as she drifted off into a deep slumber, her mouth still attached to Sybil's warm breast.

Several hours later Glenda lifted her head and in a groggy voice asked Sybil what time it was. "It's time for baby to make mommy happy," whispered Sybil, "mama needs her pussy sucked, and she wants little Glenda to do her!" Still remembering the shattering orgasm that Sybil had given her, she felt compelled to help relieve the tension in the older woman's vagina, so as Sybil opened her legs wide, she getnly but firmly guided Glenda's mouth to her gaping slit, which was by now flooded with hot pussy juice. Glenda took in a deep breath and inhaled the aroma of freshly fingered vagina, it was utterly intoxicating, and Glenda's own pussy again began to feel the need for relief! "Lick my clit darling," Sybil said softly, "make mama have a nice orgasm!" Having never sucked a woman's cunt before, Glenda was at first a little tentative, but soon she had her mouth glued to the old woman's clit, sucking on it like it was a baby bottle. Sybil loved having her cunt eaten by such a young girl, they had such pretty bodies, and were much more fun to be with than the older woman she usually played with. Glenda had found out something else about herself, she loved the taste of pussy, and having one in her mouth turned her on as much as sucking a cock! What was even more unreal about the situation was that Sybil had a huge thick hair pie, and while Glenda kept hers neatly trimmed, this wild growth between Sybil's legs made her own cunt drool! "Mmmm baby," cooed Sybil, "mama is really close now, keep your tongue right there and mama will cum in your mouth, okay!?!" Glenda bored in harder on the hard little clit, making Sybil's body shake with anticipation, the on rushing orgasm now only seconds away! "Oh Glenda, my sweet little pussy," moaned Sybil loudly, "I-I-I'm cumming so fucking hard!!!" She was too, because she practically bucked Glenda off the bed when her climax wrenched her dripping cunt apart! "Oh my god, you little slut," Sybil hissed, "you little cunts do such a good job on my hairy pussy, I just love young stuff at my cunt!" Now it was Glenda's turn to be close to an orgasm, and she jumped up and quickly straddled Sybil's mouth with her hot vagina, while ordering, "Eat my fucking cunt, you old lesbian bitch, show me what you've fucking have got!!!" Sybil hadn't eaten a young cunt in over a year, and Glenda's was about the sweetest muff she had ever tasted! The young bitch pressed down hard, trying to force her clit into the older woman's mouth, but that was totally unnecessary, because Sybil was eating her pussy like it was her last meal on earth and it didn't take long for the expert tongue of Sybil to take Glenda's pussy over the orgasmic edge!!! "You fucking cuntlapper," Glenda yelled, "suck me off you fucking cunt whore, make me cum harder you bitch slut," as another powerful orgasm drenched Sybil's already wet face with a deluge of sweet cunt juice, a beautiful gift from Glenda's perfect pussy!!!"

Lying together in each other's arms, Glenda sighed and said, "I can't remember when I felt better, too bad I have to leave and go home, I wish I could stay forever!" Sybil couldn't believe her ears, and replied, "Dear, you don't ever have to leave, mama will always be here to take care of you, as long as you take care of mama!!!"


TJ carefully adjusted the video camera so as it would not be seen by anyone using the storage room. By placing it inside of an old envelope carton and piling several other boxes on top of it, it would be unlikely that it would be discovered. A small hole in the end of the box was all that was needed to have the hidden lens to cover about 80% of the area in the whole room. Why all this deception? Last Thursday evening TJ had been working late trying to get some quarterly reports done for Friday's sales meeting. At seven o'clock he had slipped out to get a burger and fries, but returned to the office by eight. As he was coming down the hall he heard noises coming from the store room next to his office. After putting his ear to the door, he was stunned to hear the unmistakable sound of love making coming from the dusty storeage room!!! After a few minutes he realized that the two people behind the door were his boss, Ed Jenkins, and Ed's secretary Jan Hart! TJ never even had guessed that those two had been getting it on, and while Jan was a looker all right, as far as he knew Ed was a happily married man.

On a hunch, TJ decided to try and video tape the two of them in action and after figuring that Thursday night might be a regular time for their liaisons, he spent the next week planning his strategy for recording the action. After surveying the store room TJ figured that by hiding the camera on a shelf at the far end of the aisle he could just about be assured of recording anything that happened inside that room. On Thursday just before quitting time TJ set up his machine with a full tape and pressed the record button and left for home. If Ed and Jan did use the store room as they had the previous week, he was sure to get it down on tape!!!

J got to work about an hour earlier that usual on Friday so he could retrieve his camera without anyone seeing him. He closed and locked his office door and stuck the tape in the VCR he had in his office for reviewing sales presentations. After he rewound the tape he hit the play button, sat back and waited. Within several minutes the door to the store room opened and in came Ed and Jan!! Right before his very eyes was a tape showing the pair going at it like a couple of teenagers. Jan had a very large chest and Ed quickly had off her bra and was sucking and kneading her hard nipples like a madman, and while he sucked on her big nips, she opened up his fly and pulled out his now rigid cock! Eight inches at least TJ thought! Just then Jan dropped to her knees and hungrily devoured Ed's fat meat, and for the better part of the next five minutes she gave Ed one of the best blowjobs he had ever seen in his life, until almost without warning, he shot his load in Jan's eager mouth, spewing a torrent of hot cum down the pretty cocksucker's hot throat!!! Jan struggled to swallow it all, but some of it ran down her chin and dripped onto her chest, so she stood up and Ed cleaned his own cum off of her tits with his tongue! By now TJ had his pecker out of his own pants and was slowly jerking off as he watched the action unfold on the screen. Jan was slipping out of her skirt and dropping her panties to the floor while She turned away from Ed, leaning forward against a file cabinet, and then spreading her legs wide apart. He could distinctly hear her tell Ed to fuck her hard from the rear!!! Ed needed no more encouragement as he buried his bone deep into her hot pussy, pounding away at her for a good ten minutes until both of their bodies stiffened in a "crashing on the rocks" orgasm!!! Both now totally spent, they slipped to the floor and tried to regain their lost strength. Finally they both got dressed, kissed and then quietly left the store room together. As TJ shot his own load, he wondered how he could use this tape to his own advantage. While cleaning up his own cum he had an idea, and while not a very nice one, a very profitable one!

Five minutes before quitting time TJ called both Ed and jan into his office on the precept of company business. As they both settled into the two chairs in front of his desk, TJ hit the on button of his VCR and turned to look at he now lit screen. As both Ed and Jan turned to look at the now clear picture, a look of absolute horror spread across their faces, it was if they had been slugged in the gut! There on the TV was the image of Jan sucking on Ed's hard cock and obviously loving every second of it! All either of them could say was "How?" and "Why?"!!! As their heads began to clear it became evident that TJ had surreptitiously video taped them during their tryst. The "how" was now evident, the "why" they were about to find out. TJ smirked and commented on Jan's expert technique at giving head and asked Ed if the little bitch was as good as she looked?!? With the tone of voice TJ had just used, both Ed and Jan came to the sudden realization that they were now under the thumb of their office mate! All TJ had to do was ask them both if either of them wanted their spouses to get a copy or how about their church pastors? TJ laughed and said, "Now that would give the good Padre something to preach about in next Sunday's sermon!" Jan cheeks turned a bright red as the screen flickered with the image of her taking Ed from the back and screaming in orgasmic ecstasy!

At this point TJ looked at Jan and told her to take off all her clothes--right now!! "You too boss," he told Ed. They started to protest but TJ cut them off with a threat to send the tape to everyone they knew, so with that they were soon standing naked in front of a grinning TJ! "Suck him bitch," he told Jan, and within a matter of seconds Ed's dick was hardening in Jan's hot mouth. As she sucked on Ed's cock TJ began to take off his own clothing unatil he was finally naked with his own dick standing at full attention!! By now everyone had left the office except for the tree of them, and TJ picked up the phone and made a quick call. Within fifteen minutes there was a knock on the door and TJ opened it up to let in a very young blond man of no more than eighteen years old. Jan was still sucking on Ed's prick, but stopped when the newcomer entered the room. At this point the whole horror of the situation became manifest when TJ asked Ed if he had ever sucked a cock. Ed, obviously repulsed said, "No!!" "Well," TJ said, "You're going to get your chance!" The young blond began to strip, while all the time eyeing Ed's cock with open lust! When he finally dropped his pants he had what had to be the biggest cock Ed had ever seen, at least ten inches long with blue veins running from the base all the way to the gigantic head! TJ said, "We're gonna have a little suck party, Jan will suck me and Ed can suck on Bobby!" Side by side TJ and Bobby stood before their two cocksuckers with both Ed and Jan on their knees with cocks in their mouths. Even though Ed had never sucked before, he started to groan in pleasure as he licked and kissed the big pecker! His own cock became hard as a rock and he started to jerk it as he made love to that huge love muscle while TJ leaned over and gave Bobby a full kiss on the lips and then leaned down and licked the young man's nipples. Everyone in the room was now hot as a firecracker, and even Jan had begun to finger her hot slit as she hoovered TJ's dick.

Even though Jan was giving him an unbelievable blowjob, TJ had a more important job for her to perform, so after lifting her face from his crotch, he directed her to Ed's asshole. "Eat it and suck it you little whore," TJ instructed, and like the obedient little cunt she was, she began giving a Ed a juicy rim job! By now Ed was on fire with lust, between Bobby's dick in his mouth, his hand beating his own meat, and Jan's sucking on his asshole he was ready to shoot a big load, but just before he was about to cum, however, TJ pulled Bobby's cock out of his mouth and had Jan stop the asshole suck. He then grabbed Ed by the hair and pulled him up over the front of the desk and bent him over with his butt up in the air, and after giving Bobby a quick nod, the little queer with the big pecker slipped behind Ed and buried his hard meat all the way up Ed's slippery asshole!! TJ covered his mouth to stifle Ed' scream, because as he had a virgin asshole, Bobby's big rig was really slamming him all the way to his tight nuts! Ed was in real pain, but soon the pain and the pleasure began to blur together in a sexual frenzy! Jan returned to suck on TJ and was also frigging her clit like a two dollar whore while Bobby groaned as he ejaculated his spunk deep in Ed's bowels, and even though in great pain, Ed's own cock involuntarily erupted a huge spew of cum all over the office carpet while at the same time Jan was drinking down TJ's cum and fingering herself to an earthshaking orgasm!

As everyone lay together in a heap of spent sexual delight, TJ looked over at the bookshelf and smiled into the camera! "Hmm, he thought, he ought to get at least two grand for this tape alone!!!"



Trent Boyd hefted his small attache' case into the over head compartment and sat down in the aisle seat and waited for the 737 to take off. Leaving the bone chilling cold of Detroit to spend a long weekend in New Orleans was enough to bring a smile to the face of any seasoned traveler! One stop over in Memphis, and it would be good by Woodward Ave. and hello Bourbon Street! This would be Trent's sixth visit to the Crescent City and it was definitely his favorite destination, with all the food, booze and women to be had! His day dream was abruptly interrupted, however, when he chanced to see an absolutely stunning black haired beauty dragging an over night bag down the aisle, obviously looking for her seat. Every male eye in the plane followed her every step, the result of which was a slight jiggling of her oversized chest underneath her skin tight sweater! To Trent's utter delight, she stopped at his row, rechecked her ticket stub, and hoisted her bag into the over head, and slipped past him into the window seat next to his. Usually in cases like this, Trent's usual experience would have been that this lovely creature would turn out to be an ice queen, but to his happy dismay, she stuck out her hand and said, "I'm Sonja, Sonja Fletcher!" He took her hand, and replied, "Trent Boyd's the name, glad to meet you, New Orleans or Memphis!?!"

"Memphis," she answered, "born and raised there, going home to visit the folks." "That's nice," he replied, "I'm going on to New Orleans myself, a long weekend getaway!" Just then the no smoking and seat belt lights came on, and a flight attendant announced that they would be taking off in about two minutes. "I guess we had better get ready," Sonja said, while reaching for her seat belt. "Yeah," replied Trent, "if we go down we better be belted in, for all the good it would do!!!" "Please don't say that, I'm scared to death of flying," she said in a nervous voice, "joking about it just makes it worse for me!" At first Trent thought she may have been joking, but the look on her face told him that she really was terrified of flying! "I'm sorry, Sonja," he said soothingly, "you're right, it was a bad joke, here, let me hold your hand during take off, it will make you feel better!" Gripping his hand like a steel vice, Sonja was obviously glad to have someone to hold onto, and Trent was a little taken back when she held his hand to her chest while waiting for the plane to take off.

"My god," he thought, "her boobs are incredible," even if he was getting a somewhat limited feel through her tight sweater. "I'm sorry I'm holding on so tight, but I really am frightened," she offered! While trying to maneuver his fingers for a better feel, he replied back, "Oh, that's all right, if it makes you feel better, it's all right with me!!!" Soon the jet was taxiing out to the runway, and Sonja's breathing became shallow and intermittent, a sure sign of hyperventilation. Deciding to take a real chance, Trent turned a little to face her, and reached his right hand over and held her leg, six inches or so above her knee. Acting as if he were just trying to protect her, he held her close, while all the time enjoying the sensation of having one hand buried in her huge chest, and the other one on the inside of her smooth bare thigh! "Hold on," he whispered into her ear, "here we go," as the plane hurtled down the runway, gaining speed with each passing second. Sonja held on to Trent even harder, as she closed her eyes, hoping that they would get air born as quickly as possible while Trent let his hand slide a little farther up her thigh, until it was actually under the hem of her dress! When they finally reached cruising altitude, Sonja leaned back in her seat and tried to relax, but with little success. "You're so tense," Trent observed, "maybe if we got under a blanket it would make you feel better!" Not waiting for and answer, Trent summoned a flight attendant and requested a blanket, thirty seconds later Trent was covering each of them up with a warm comforter. "Better," he asked her, while snuggling closer to her warm body. "Much," she replied, as she leaned closer to him, "a blanket was a good idea!" For the second time, Trent took another chance, and let his left hand slip to the inside of Sonja's warm thigh. He half expected some resistance, but instead she just snuggled closer, and lay her head on his shoulder! Slowly he worked his hand up the inside of her leg, pausing every now and then to make sure she realized what he was doing. Her thighs were unbelievably warm and smooth, and she seemed to coo softly the farther along his hand went. A few more inches and his fingers were butting up against her damp crotch, or I should say dripping crotch, because along her crack was a definite wet strip about an inch wide. She lifted her head and whispered into his ear, "Although I am terrified to fly, I almost had an orgasm from the fear and excitement it caused me, if you touch me, I know I'll have one right here and now!!!" Throwing caution to the winds, Trent pulled the thin crotch panel to the side, and let his fingers roam all over her drooling pussy, until finally coming to rest on her hard little clit. Flicking it gently, he felt her body tense up, and then shake quietly, while a brutal climax ripped through her dripping vagina, leaving her a total wreck!!!

After she had clamed down, Trent whispered into her ear, "Feel better now???" "Oh yes, thank you so much, I don't know if I could have made it without you," she replied, "but I have one more favor to ask!" "Sure, anything," he answered. "Could you please put a finger inside of me, I really need to feel that you're close to me, and with you in my vagina I know I'll feel safer!" "Of course," Trent answered eagerly, "what ever you wish is my command," as he proceeded to slip his middle finger deep into the wetness of her warm pussy. A slight moan escaped her lips, but other than that, you couldn't have told that she was getting her cunt fingered! "I have a request for you," he offered, while gently slipping his finger in and out of her honey pot, "I can tell that you're a very sexual person, and I would like to ask you questions about your sex life and your body, if that's okay with you!?!" He gave her pussy a couple of quick stabs, causing her to lose her concentration, but she replied back, "Sure, ask me anything you want!" "I'm interested to know if you have a boy friend," he asked? "Yeah, back in Detroit," she said, "he's an accountant." "Does he have a big cock," asked Trent? "Very large," she said dreamily, "about eight inches long and very thick!" "When you suck him," he continued, "do you swallow his cum?" Her breathing was now becoming more labored, but she went on, "Oh, yes, I always drink it all, and he is a very hard cummer!" "You have a very large chest," he opined, "what size is it, and do you ever go braless?" "Oh my, she hissed, "Do you know what you're doing to me!?!" "Answer the question, Sonja, what about your pretty chest," he fairly demanded?!? "Let's see, my breast size is 36d, and what was the other question," she asked? "Do you go braless," he repeated? "Uh, always around the apartment, and sometimes in the summer if it's hot out," she stammered, the look on her face told him that she was nearing another orgasm. He then told her, "Reach over and feel my crotch!!!" When her hand encountered the hard bone hidden under his pants, she nearly had her climax then and there! "Take it out," he ordered her, "and then jerk me off!" She managed to free his pecker and immediately began stroking it up and down. A small line of drool ran down her cheek, her eyes seemed to glaze over, and it was obvious to Trent that she was in the middle of a huge sexual episode! He himself was very close to blowing his nut, so to push her over the edge, he whispered, "Sonja, did you know that your body would give any man a huge erection!?!" Just hearing the word erection was all the poor girl could take, as her pussy contracted hard, sending a climax racing through her body! Her hand was now flying up and down Trent's meat, and when he felt her body tense up, his pecker gave up its cum in a spurting torrent! Her hand was now covered with his goo, and he said, "Be careful, but lick it off!" Obediently she slipped her cum filled hand to her mouth and greedily licked it clean.

"This is the captain speaking," came a voice over the loud speaker, "we'll be landing in Memphis in ten minutes, so please fasten your seat belts." "Well," said Trent, "I guess you'll be getting of in a few minutes." She snuggled close to him and said, "Not on your life, we have another take off to make, I think I'll just fly all the way to New Orleans!!!" Trent hooked his belt, smiled, and said, "I guess were gonna have a great weekend together!!!"

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